Egypt Import & Export Data

Egypt was the number 43 economy in the world in terms of GDP, the number 62 in total exports, the number 44 in total imports, the number 128 economy in terms of GDP per capita and the number 66 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index.

The top imports of Egypt are Refined Petroleum, Wheat, Crude Petroleum, Petroleum Gas, and Packaged Medicaments, importing mostly from China, United States, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey.

The top exports of Egypt are Petroleum Gas, Nitrogenous Fertilizers, Refined Petroleum, Crude Petroleum, and Gold, exporting mostly to Turkey, Italy, United States, Spain, and India.

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Egypt Import & Export Data

The Egypt import and export data provided by Tendata iTrader offer crucial customs insights for your import export business. This data encompasses product trade trends, HS codes, customs details, information on potential importers or exporters, port statistics, competitor company profiles, and more. To ensure data accuracy and completeness, Tendata sources global import and export data from customs departments, ports, shipping, logistics companies, and other pertinent business sectors. With a dataset spanning from 2005 to the present, Tendata facilitates your analysis and comparison of the latest market trade trends. Additionally, detailed records, including daily commodity trading prices, are at your disposal. For further exploration, reach out to us for a Free Demo.

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14,000,000+ Contact E-Mails & Phones & SNS
123,000,000+ Global Company Profiles
2,009,000,000+ International Trade Records

Cars Transaction Trends in Egypt

By entering the product name or HS code in the Tendata import-export database, you can explore the transaction trends of the corresponding import and export products. This aids companies in better adapting to market demands and responding more flexibly to changes. Taking Data of Egypt as an example, the transaction trends for Cars are illustrated below:
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The Top 10 HS Code of Cars in Egypt

Through Tendata customs import and export data, you can analyze if there is a demand for importing or exporting your products in the country. You can input the product category name or the 4-digit HS code on the Tendata import-export data platform to check the HS codes for the top 10 product subcategories. For instance, based on Egypt's data, the top 10 HS codes for Cars are as follows:
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Compilation of Egypt's Cars Summarized Importers and Exporters

Simply input the product name in the Tendata import-export database to view the most recent information on Egypt's importers and exporters, along with detailed profiles. This enables you to swiftly identify potential customers. Tendata import-export data serves as a convenience for enterprises seeking new business collaborations and partnership establishment. Taking Egypt's import data as an example, the top 10 of Cars importers is outlined below:
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The Company Contact Information in Egypt

For businesses and sales, figuring out how to contact potential customers is often deemed crucial. Tendata provides direct and specific contact information for customers, allowing you to reach out through various channels: manager's name, phone number, email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Regular market interactions help establish a strong brand image, making it more prominent among potential customers. For instance, for Company established in Egypt, you can check their contact information as follows:
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Trading Trends for Cars at Company

Grasping the recent procurement trends of a specific product within a company is of significant importance in the formulation of corporate strategies and the effective management of operations. This knowledge allows companies to adjust their supply chain strategies more flexibly. For example, in the Tendata global import and export database, the recent trading trends for Company's Cars in Egypt are as follows:
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Competitors of Company in Egypt

You may also want to learn about your competing companies. By studying the marketing activities of competitors, you can gain insights into successful marketing strategies, including advertising, promotions, and brand building. Observing innovative initiatives of competitors can inspire your own innovative ideas. For example, by searching for Cars, you can see all companies in Egypt that have engaged in Cars trade, which may be your competitors, as shown below:
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