Uzbekistan Import & Export Data

Uzbekistan was the number 72 economy in the world in terms of GDP, number 76 in total exports, number 78 in total imports, number 151 economy in terms of GDP per capita, and number 79 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index.

The top imports of Uzbekistan are Packaged Medicaments, Motor Vehicles, Cars, Refined Petroleum, and Wheat, imports mostly from Russia, South Korea, China, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Turkey.

The top exports of Uzbekistan are Gold, Oil, Natural Gas, Non-Retail Pure Cotton Yarn, Silk Waste, Refined Copper, Petroleum Gas, and Radioactive Chemicals, exports partners are Russia, Turkey, China, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Bangladesh.

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Uzbekistan Import & Export Data

Uzbekistan import and export data from Tendata iTrader contains important customs data useful for your import and export trade. These import data and export data include: product trading trends, HS codes, customs data, potential importers' or exporters' information, port, competitor companies, etc. In order to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the data, Tendata collects global import and export data from global customs departments, ports, shipping, logistics companies and other business sectors. Tendata has global import and export data from 2005 to the present to help you compare and analyze the latest market trade trends. There are many more detail records such as daily commodity transaction prices, if you want to know more, please contact us and Get a Free Demo.

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Motors Transaction Trends in Uzbekistan

With these transaction trends, you can analyze whether there is demand in that country for import or export your products. By inputting the product name into the Tendata Import and Export database, you can view the transaction trends for that import and export product. For example, based on the data from Uzbekistan, the transaction trends for Motors are as follows:
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The Top 10 HS Code of Motors in Uzbekistan

With these HS codes and customs data, you can analyze whether there is a demand for importing or exporting your products in this country. You can find out the product HS codes of the top 10 import and export subcategories of the product by entering the product broad category description or HS shortcode on the Tendata import and export data platform. For example, according to the data of Uzbekistan, the top 10 HS code of the product for Motors is as follows:
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Summarized Importers and Exporters of Motors

If you manage a specific product, input the product name on the Tendata import and export database, and you will be able to check the summarized importers and exporters and their detailed information. You can quickly find your potential customers from the aggregated importers and exporters. For example, according to Uzbekistan import data, the summarized Motors importers in Uzbekistan are as follows:
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The Company Contact Information in Uzbekistan

For a potential customer, you may feel that how to contact the customer is the most important thing. Tendata provides the customer's contact information directly, allowing you to contact the customer through various channels: manager name, email, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc. For example, for АО Uzbekistan Airways company built in Uzbekistan, we can see their contact information as follows:
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Trading Trends for Motors at Company

It is important to do a good company analysis before contacting a potential client directly. This determines your marketing approach and can double your closing rate. Among other things, you need to understand the company's trading trends for your product, which determines which months the company prefers to import and export the product and whether there is a recent desire to import and export the product. For example, the recent trading trends for Motors of АО Uzbekistan Airways company in the country of Uzbekistan in Tendata global import export database are as follows:
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Competitors of Company in Uzbekistan

You may also want to find out about your competitor companies. Researching competing companies through potential customers or repeat customers is an easy way to do this. By entering a product description or company name into the Tendata Import/Export database, and clicking and viewing new suppliers of competing companies or potential companies, you can get a closer look at competing companies to adjust your marketing strategy. For example, by looking at the Motors of the company АО Uzbekistan Airways in the country of Uzbekistan, you can see your competitors as follows:
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Motors Top 10 Import/Export Countries

If you want to conduct import and export trade in Uzbekistan, click on the country in Tendata Import and export database, you can query the top 10 import and export cooperation countries of that country. Based on these import and export data, you can determine whether customers in this country are willing to work with merchants in your country. For example, according to the data of Motors, Uzbekistan’s Top 10 Origin Countries are the following data:
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