Latest Global Import & Export Trade Data

The global import export data provided by Tendata database refers to the import and export transaction data from customs of various countries in globe, which covering exclusive transportation information of supply chain. Whether you are looking for global importers or exporters, buyers or competitors, Tendata is able to provide their detailed information.

In tendata platform,you can access import export data of more than 200 countries in globe, which including detailed customs data of 91 countries and export data of 84 countries.
tendata data

Global Import Export Data Statistics by Country

Tendata customs data contains comprehensive shipment details of trade activities of global importers and exporters which covers Importers, Exporters, Companies Name, HS Codes, Specification, Price, Quantity, Country of origin and Destination, Port of origin and destination, Suppliers, etc.

Get Free Import Export Data of Your Products?

14,000,000+ Contact E-Mails & Phones & SNS
123,000,000+ Global Company Profiles
2,009,000,000+ International Trade Records

Faster Expand Potential Customers

  • Through Tendata T-info, input your product name, HS code, name of importer or exporter, country of origin, country of destination, port, and you can view the import export data of more than 130 million companies around the world last year.

  • Through Tendata T-discovery, you can input your product name, filter by country and HS code, and find the most active importing and exporting customers in the world in the past three years.

  • You can discover the concrete Contact Information of a potential company, including the names of key decision makers, phone numbers, emails, social media, etc., and make direct contact with that company.

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Company Analysis

By Import Export Data, Tendata provides over 10 billion of revealing company product import and export trade trends, recent import and export records, preferred origin or target markets, preferred HS codes for imported and exported products, and even provides a list of their buyers and suppliers, allowing you to view competitor offers.

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Market Analysis

Before contacting a customer, a good market and competitors analysis through export import data will allow you to precisely match customers who are more likely to close, change your marketing strategy, and improve your 200% conversion rates.

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Competitor Monitoring

At any time, competitors monitoring will help importers and exporters to grasp the market price changes and whether there are new suppliers participating in the market competition. With Tendata’s you can grasp the market changes in the first time and grasp the initiative of marketing.

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