Are There Any Specific Certifications or Quality Standards That Greek Exporters Need to Meet?

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog05-07-2023

In this article, Tendata will explore the specific certifications and quality standards that Greek exporters need to meet. Meeting these standards is crucial for ensuring the competitiveness of Greek products in the global market and maintaining customer satisfaction. Let's delve into the certifications and quality standards that Greek exporters should be aware of.

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Overview of Greek Exporters:

Greek exporters play a significant role in the country's economy, contributing to the growth of various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. Greece is known for its diverse range of products, including agricultural goods, processed foods, beverages, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and more. To ensure the quality and compliance of their products, Greek exporters must adhere to specific certifications and quality standards.

ISO Certifications:

ISO certifications are internationally recognized standards that signify the implementation of quality management systems in organizations. Greek exporters can benefit from obtaining ISO certifications relevant to their respective industries, such as:

a. ISO 9001: This certification focuses on quality management systems and demonstrates an organization's commitment to meeting customer requirements, continuous improvement, and efficient processes.

b. ISO 22000: This certification pertains to food safety management systems, ensuring that Greek exporters in the food and beverage sector adhere to strict standards for handling, processing, and distributing safe and hygienic products.

c. ISO 14001: This certification addresses environmental management systems, emphasizing the commitment of Greek exporters to sustainable practices and minimizing their environmental impact.

Obtaining ISO certifications not only enhances the reputation and credibility of Greek exporters but also opens doors to international markets that prioritize certified products.

Product-Specific Certifications:

Certain industries require specific certifications to ensure product quality, safety, and compliance with industry regulations. Greek exporters should be aware of the following certifications:

a. PDO and PGI: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) are certifications that ensure the authenticity and origin of Greek agricultural products. These certifications provide assurance to consumers that the products are produced using traditional methods in specific regions of Greece.

b. Organic Certification: Greek exporters of organic products must obtain organic certification to demonstrate compliance with organic farming standards. This certification assures consumers that the products are free from synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and genetic modification.

c. Pharmaceutical Certifications: Greek exporters in the pharmaceutical industry must comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and obtain relevant certifications to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of their pharmaceutical products.

Compliance with EU Standards:

Greek exporters should also align with the quality and safety standards established by the European Union (EU). The EU has specific regulations and directives that govern various industries, such as food safety, product labeling, cosmetics, electrical equipment, and more. Greek exporters must ensure their products meet these requirements to access the larger EU market.

Continuous Improvement and Quality Control:

Maintaining quality standards is an ongoing process for Greek exporters. Implementing robust quality control measures, conducting regular inspections, and investing in continuous improvement initiatives are essential. Greek exporters should stay updated on the latest industry standards, monitor market trends, and invest in research and development to enhance the quality and competitiveness of their products.


In conclusion, Greek exporters must meet specific certifications and quality standards to ensure the competitiveness and compliance of their products in the global market. ISO certifications, product-specific certifications, compliance with EU standards, and a commitment to continuous improvement are crucial elements for Greek exporters to thrive in international trade. By prioritizing quality and adhering to these standards, Greek exporters can build trust with customers, gain a competitive edge, and expand their market reach.

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