Which Countries or Regions Are the Primary Target Markets for Turkish Exporters?

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog05-07-2023

In this article, Tendata will explore the primary target markets for Turkish exporters, shedding light on the countries or regions where Turkish goods and services are in high demand. Understanding these target markets is essential for Turkish exporters seeking to expand their reach, optimize their export strategies, and capitalize on opportunities. Let's delve into the details and analyze the primary target markets for Turkish exporters.

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Overview of Turkish Export Profile:

Turkey, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has a diverse and robust export sector. Turkish exporters are known for their wide range of products, including textiles, automotive parts, machinery, electronics, chemicals, and agricultural products. These exports contribute significantly to Turkey's economy and trade balance.

European Union (EU):

The European Union represents one of the primary target markets for Turkish exporters. As a Customs Union member with the EU, Turkey enjoys preferential access to the EU market. Countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and France are major importers of Turkish goods. Turkish exporters benefit from the close proximity, cultural ties, and trade agreements between Turkey and EU member states.

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region:

The Middle East and North Africa region serves as a significant target market for Turkish exporters. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Egypt have a strong demand for Turkish products, particularly in the construction, automotive, and food sectors. The geographical proximity, historical ties, and shared cultural similarities contribute to the growth of trade between Turkey and these countries.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):

The countries within the Commonwealth of Independent States, including Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, are important target markets for Turkish exporters. These countries offer opportunities for Turkish goods such as textiles, machinery, and agricultural products. Turkish exporters benefit from cultural connections, historical ties, and transportation links that facilitate trade with the CIS countries.

Balkan Region:

The Balkan region, including countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia, presents significant opportunities for Turkish exporters. Proximity, historical ties, and cultural similarities contribute to the trade relationships between Turkey and these countries. Turkish exporters target these markets with various products, including textiles, automotive parts, and food products.

Emerging Markets:

In addition to the aforementioned regions, Turkish exporters are increasingly targeting emerging markets around the world. Countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America present opportunities for Turkish goods and services. The diversification of target markets allows Turkish exporters to tap into new consumer bases and expand their global footprint.


Turkish exporters have a diverse range of target markets, including the European Union, the Middle East and North Africa region, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Balkans, and emerging markets worldwide. These regions offer favorable conditions, such as geographical proximity, historical ties, and cultural connections, which contribute to the success of Turkish exports. By understanding and strategically targeting these markets, Turkish exporters can optimize their export strategies, build strong business relationships, and capitalize on the demand for Turkish goods and services. As the global economy continues to evolve, Turkish exporters should remain adaptable and explore new opportunities in emerging markets to further expand their export potential.

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