What Does Puerto Rico Export to the United States?

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog18-10-2023

Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States, maintains a significant trade relationship with its mainland counterpart. This article delves into what Puerto Rico exports to the United States, highlighting key products, trade trends, and the significance of this economic partnership.

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Puerto Rico's Export Profile to the United States

Puerto Rico exports a wide array of goods to the United States, reflecting its diverse economy and strong trade ties. Its geographic proximity to the mainland U.S. is a logistical advantage.

Pharmaceutical Products

Pharmaceutical products, including prescription drugs and medical devices, constitute a substantial portion of Puerto Rico's exports to the United States. The pharmaceutical industry in Puerto Rico is known for its FDA-approved manufacturing facilities, ensuring product quality and compliance.

1. Medical Devices

The export of medical devices, such as diagnostic equipment and surgical instruments, plays a pivotal role in Puerto Rico's trade relationship with the U.S. Meeting rigorous quality and safety standards is imperative in this sector.

2. Chemicals and Plastics

Puerto Rico exports various chemicals, including industrial chemicals and agricultural products like pesticides and fertilizers. Exports also include plastic products used in packaging and manufacturing.

3. Electronics and Telecommunications

The territory exports electronic components, contributing to the production of telecommunications devices and consumer electronics in the U.S. Staying at the forefront of technological advancements is crucial for competitiveness.

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Trade Trends and Dynamics

Puerto Rico's unique status as an unincorporated territory of the United States facilitates trade between the two entities. Integration into U.S. supply chains benefits both regions.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Global competition, especially in pharmaceuticals, poses challenges to Puerto Rico's export growth. Diversifying exports beyond pharmaceuticals and medical devices can strengthen resilience.


Puerto Rico's exports to the United States are a vital component of its economy. Pharmaceutical products, medical devices, chemicals, plastics, and electronics represent key exports, reflecting the territory's capabilities and trade advantages. The strong trade relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States is mutually beneficial, and strategic initiatives, such as economic diversification and innovation, will be essential to navigate evolving market dynamics. As global competition intensifies, Puerto Rico's ability to adapt and diversify its exports will be critical for long-term economic sustainability.

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