What Food and Beverage Does the United States Export? Find Import Opportunities!

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog18-02-2024

The American food and beverage industry boasts high profits, utilizing a significant amount of land and resources primarily for crop cultivation/agriculture and food production.

Top 10 Food and Beverage Exports from the United States:

1. Soybeans

Soybeans are one of the top 10 food and beverage exports from the United States. The Midwest is the largest soybean cultivation region, and the crop is also used in the production of various food items.

2. Corn

The United States is a major producer of corn, ranking second on the list of top exports. Subsidies for corn crops valued at over $116.6 billion have been provided by the U.S. government since 1995. Corn is exported in its natural state and is also used in the production of products like high-fructose corn syrup.

3. Nuts

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans, and pistachios are significant U.S. agricultural exports. Key export destinations include Asia (China and India) and Europe, with the United States being the largest supplier in the global nut market.

4. Wheat

Various types of wheat are grown in different regions of the United States, making it another major export item.

5. Pork

Pork is the most produced meat in the United States. In 2019, almost one-third of domestically produced pork was exported. The pork industry is estimated to contribute approximately $23.4 billion to the U.S. GDP.

6. Poultry

The U.S. poultry industry has faced criticism for exporting large chickens produced using hormones and antibiotics. However, recent regulations have become stricter to ensure healthy poultry and agricultural practices.

7. Oils

Edible oils are another major U.S. export, with soybean oil being a top edible oil produced and exported by the country.

8. Dairy Products

U.S. dairy products are primarily based on milk, but sometimes eggs also fall under this category. Over the years, the U.S. dairy industry has seen robust growth, contributing to the country's economy during times of economic downturn.

9. Beef

Following pork, beef is the second-largest meat export from the United States. States such as Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas have the highest number of beef cattle.

10. Grains

Grains are a major economic crop in the United States. Among the top grains, oats, barley, and sorghum are the largest. They are exported in raw and milled forms to produce various products.

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Interested in importing food and beverages from the United States but unsure where to start? Customs data can help you! Here are some functions of customs data that foreign trade professionals can choose according to their needs:

1. Analyze Import Product Demand: Use customs data to understand the import situation of various product categories. When you only know that American food and beverages sell well but are unsure which products are in demand, you can use real-time updated customs data to view the trade volume of American food and beverages with your country. By positioning the import volume, trends, and market share of specific products, you can determine which products have the most market potential.

2. Explore Market Trends: By observing long-term American food and beverage export customs data, understand the market trends of American food and beverages in your country. You can find out which products should be stocked in which season, predict future demand, and adjust strategies to meet market changes.

3. Research Competitors: Analyze the customs data of American food and beverage importers in your country to understand their performance and strategies in the international market. When you know which American food and beverage exporters your competitors are purchasing products from and at what prices, you can save your costs and determine the competitive environment in the market.

4. Search for Partners: Use customs data to find suitable American food and beverage exporters. You can approach potential customers proactively by focusing on competitors' partners, exporters with stable export volumes, and other directions.

With the help of customs data, you can systematically analyze and understand the export situation of American food and beverages, thereby finding potential import opportunities more accurately and formulating corresponding market strategies.

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