China Export Data to Help You Make Market Decisions

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog21-02-2024

China's General Administration of Customs released 2023 annual foreign trade "report card", China's trade in goods import and export value of 41.76 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.2%. The "new three kinds" of products combined exports for the first time exceeded the trillion yuan mark. Overall import and export is better than expected, to achieve the goal of promoting stability and improving quality.

The most important reason affecting the foreign trade situation in 2023 is the change in the external environment, the economic situation of several major countries are not very good, the world market growth is relatively weak. The domestic economy is facing a lot of difficulties, affecting the demand for imports. Foreign trade had faced a severe situation in the second and third quarters, but rebounded in the fourth quarter. Under the difficult situation, China's foreign trade maintained a slight growth under the stability, which can be said to be rare.

2023's foreign trade operation in the fourth quarter rebound day to day. From a regional perspective, China-Russia trade is growing rapidly, China's trade with Latin America and Africa is also growing, and China's trade with the "One Belt, One Road" has hit a new high. China's trade with the United States, the European Union and Japan and South Korea, on the other hand, there was a substantial decline in trade volume, need to pay attention to, but in November and December also appeared to rebound.

In terms of product structure, automobiles and ships are the bright spots for exports in 2023, especially in the automotive sector, where China has become the world's top exporter of automobiles, but imports and exports of high-technology products showed negative growth throughout the year. It should also be noted that the "new three" in the new energy automobile exports may be further affected by the U.S. and European trade protection measures in 2024, so it is particularly important to cultivate more growth points, such as the traditional advantages of export products such as tablet computers, monitors, integrated circuits, home appliances, cell phones, CNC equipment and artificial intelligence in the field of robotics, etc., and continue to open up new growth areas. etc., to continuously open up new avenues of growth.

You already know the overall situation of China's exports in 2023. So, which products will do better in 2024? In which countries are these products in higher demand? Using the free customs data provided by the General Administration of Customs is obviously not enough to make specific market decisions for you.

That's where Tendata's China export data comes in to help you make your export decisions! When you want to learn about China's auto exports, you can enter "car" directly into Tendata's customs data, which will show you how many cars were exported from China in 2023, which companies exported cars, and to which countries. You can also go further into the report function and compare global Chinese car imports to see how cars are demanded globally, as well as specific transaction prices.

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What else can Tendata's China export data do for you?

· Understand Product Pricing Strategies: Analyze product price trends in China export data from Tendata to understand price levels in different markets. Adjust product pricing strategies based on market demand and competition to ensure competitiveness.

· Forecasting Market Trends: Based on historical China export data provided by Tendata, use trend analysis tools to forecast trends in target markets. This helps develop long-term market strategies and plans.

· Expand into New Markets: Use Tendata's China export data to identify emerging markets and potential trading partners. Develop plans to expand into new markets to reduce dependence on a single market.

· Acquire New Customers: Analyze China's export data from Tendata to identify potential global importers and establish strategic relationships to drive business development.

Uncovering Foreign Trade Opportunities – Mainly Through Foreign Trade Data

Currently, the government has officially rolled out policies to support the development of the big data industry. In this era, customs data has become an indispensable part of the international trade ecosystem. The new approach to facilitating transactions in the Information Age involves constantly uncovering new business opportunities from customs data using big data analysis methods.

Shanghai Tendata's Foreign Trade Portal covers detailed customs data from 91 countries, (>>> Click to use data online for free) statistical data from 27 EU countries, millions of accurate and genuine buyer information, and detailed information on completed customer transactions. The system offers a one-click generation of 17 types of market data analysis reports, assisting management in making informed decisions effortlessly.

Tendata's foreign trade big data can help foreign trade companies in identifying, marketing to, and managing customers, as well as fulfilling orders with a complete set of products and solutions. In the future, Tendata will continue to explore products to cater to more scenarios within the export industry.

In summary, Tendata is a big data company and a pioneer in the Chinese trade industry, helping foreign trade businesses in customer development, market analysis, trade facilitation, and data output.

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