Uzbekistan Boosting Fruit and Vegetable Exports

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog22-03-2024

To strengthen its position in the global market, Uzbekistan is intensifying efforts to increase exports of fruits and vegetables. Last year, Uzbekistan harvested a variety of fruits and vegetables, including grapes, cherries, peaches, dates, apricots, plums, figs, pomegranates, almonds, and legumes, totaling 23 million tons. The country aims to fully leverage its agricultural opportunities.

However, despite its significant production capacity, Uzbekistan faces challenges in realizing the value of its products. While the country entered over ten new markets including Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Colombia, and Indonesia in 2023, currently exports reach only 85 countries, with most concentrated in five.

Last year, Uzbekistan exported 126,000 tons of grapes to 52 countries, but nearly 98,000 tons were sold at prices below $1 per kilogram. Similar situations are observed with other fruits, indicating the need for strategic market diversification and value optimization.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the importance of targeting high-value markets in a recent meeting. Measures such as certifying Japanese trading companies and compensating rent aim to facilitate entry into upscale markets and enhance product value.

Furthermore, efforts are underway to address quality issues, including certifying laboratories according to international standards, establishing reference laboratories in Tashkent, and adhering to quality requirements of major export markets such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Canada.

Meanwhile, Uzbekistan seeks to support local companies' participation in international exhibitions, a vital avenue for showcasing its agricultural prowess. Through reimbursement schemes based on enterprise ratings, the government aims to incentivize participation and promote the country's fruits and vegetables.

uzbekistan fruit exports,uzbekistan vegetable exports,uzbekistan exports

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