How Do You Find Suitable Textiles Suppliers from Uzbekistan?

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog27-03-2024

Data from the Statistical Bureau shows that in the first two months of 2024, Uzbekistan exported textiles worth $519.4 million.

This figure accounts for 14.3% of the total export value, representing a 3% increase compared to the same period last year.

The exported textiles mainly consist of finished textile products (37.4%) and yarn (47.7%).

From January to February 2024, Uzbekistan exported 496 types of textiles to 52 countries worldwide.

The Composition of Exported Textiles Includes:

1. Yarn - $2.478 billion

2. Finished textile products - $1.944 billion

3. Knitwear - $42.8 million

4. Fabrics - $26.8 million

5. Socks - $7.7 million

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Once You Have Decided to Import Textiles from Uzbekistan, How Do You Find Suitable Suppliers from Uzbekistan?

1. Traders and business directories: Browse traders and business directories, which usually list various companies and suppliers in Uzbekistan along with their contact information. By directly searching for the product name, you can discover potential partners through these directories.

2. Online trade platforms: Utilize online trade platforms such as B2B platforms, Alibaba International, etc., to discover suppliers from Uzbekistan. These platforms provide a convenient way for you to search, filter, and contact potential suppliers.

3. Customs data platforms: When you are still in the early stages of market development, relying solely on business directories and online trade platforms to find suppliers from Uzbekistan is not wise. That means you only know that the company produces textiles, and you do not know information such as the company's reputation, the quality and price of textiles, the company's annual production volume for the product, past buyers of the company, and which country the company tends to cooperate with. In that case, a customs data platform is a good assistant, which can not only help you conduct supplier background checks but also provide more specific and comprehensive customs data, allowing you to discover Uzbekistan supplier information comprehensively with customs data as a reference. Moreover, besides the company's publicly available contact information, the customs data company also provides undisclosed contact information for company executives, allowing you to directly communicate with marketing leaders and directly grasp core information.

The Import Export Database is of great assistance in customer acquisition: its software typically allows for precise targeting of specific regions, selection of industry keywords, and bulk acquisition of customer contact information. Because nowadays, not all precise global buyers attend exhibitions, use B2B platforms, or even have their own websites, making it difficult for search engines to find them. To find them and establish contact for securing orders, we need to use methods that can accurately develop customers. Therefore, when purchasing Import Export Database software, it's crucial to understand how this particular Import Export Database develops overseas clients and to choose an Import Export Database that can accurately pinpoint product requirements and acquire customer contact information in bulk.

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The Tendata iTrader Import Export Database yields good results. Tendata iTrader is an online marketing tool that enables the search for premium import and export companies in 200 countries worldwide, with precise and reliable data. Its functionalities include: precise global import and export company searches, locating decision-makers' contact information, in-depth data exploration, checking customs trade alerts, and conducting mass email campaigns.

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