Top 5 Fish Exporting Countries in 2023

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog19-04-2024

In 2023, the total value of the global fish and seafood market exceeded $236.61 billion. The fish exports of the top ten countries reached $54.21 billion. The growth of fish exports is influenced by various factors, including the continuous increase in demand for seafood, improvements in fishery infrastructure, and the promotion of international trade agreements. Fish belong to HS Code Chapter 03, which includes fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic invertebrates. The HS code for live fish is 0301. Now let's take a closer look at the statistical data of the top ten fish exporting countries in 2023 and the types of fish in the market.

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What Types of Fish Were Exported in 2023?

In 2023, some types of fish products have become the main exports in the market. Some of the most famous exported fish include:

1. Salmon: Salmon remains the preferred species for fish exports, with countries like Norway, Chile, and Canada leading in salmon production.

2. Tuna: Tuna is a high-quality fish, and countries like Indonesia, Spain, and the United States are important exporting countries for this famous fish.

3. Shrimp: Due to the dominance of countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam in the market, it is expected that shrimp exports will significantly increase in 2023.

4. Cod: Cod remains a popular product in the fish export market, with countries like Norway and Iceland being the main producers of this versatile fish.

5. Lobster: Lobster exports remain highly profitable, with countries like Canada and the United States being the main players in this market.

Top Five Fish Exporting Countries in 2023

1. Norway ($15.15 billion): Norway has long been a powerhouse in the fish export industry, known for its high-quality seafood products like salmon and cod. In 2023, Norway became the largest fish exporting country, with fish exports reaching $15.15 billion. In 2023, Norway exported the most fish to Poland, valued at $1.73 billion.

2. China ($10.4 billion): China's fish export industry has been on the rise, and various fish products are exported to international destinations in the global fish export market. In 2023, China's fish exports reached $10.4 billion. China exported the most fish to Japan, with a partner value of $1.64 billion in 2023.

3. Chile ($7.05 billion): Chile is known as a major fish exporting country and is therefore a major player in the global fish market. By 2023, Chile's fish exports will reach $7.05 billion, making it the top fish exporting country internationally. In 2023, Chile exported fish to the United States, with a net value of $2.86 billion, reaching a historic high.

4. Canada ($4.87 billion): Canada's fish exports are dominated by commodities such as lobster, crab, and salmon. In 2023, Canada's fish exports amounted to $4.87 billion. In 2023, Canada was the largest fish exporting country to the United States, with exports reaching $3.14 billion.

5. United States ($4.47 billion): The United States is a major exporter of seafood, with a wide variety of seafood products exported overseas. In 2023, the United States' fish exports amounted to $4.47 billion. The United States exported the most fish to Canada, with fish exports reaching $1.06 billion in 2023.

Top 10 Fish Exporting Companies in 2023

The global fish market is vast, especially in Norway, where several companies contribute to its economic growth through fish exports. The top ten Norwegian fish exporting companies in 2023 include:

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1. FAMISEA Joint Stock Company (30.9%)

2. MINH PHÚC Seafood Co., Ltd. (16.87%)

3. TRUNG SƠN Food Joint Stock Company (16.8%)

4. ĐẠI NAM Food Processing Export-Import Company Limited (10.05%)

5. SÀI GÒN FOOD Joint Stock Company (9.71%)

6. LERÖY TURKEY Fish Products Industry and Trade Corporation (6.28%)

7. QUẢNG NINH Import-Export Seafood Joint Stock Company (4.97%)

8. ANH MINH Fishery Processing Import-Export Joint Stock Company (2.18%)

9. CAMIMEX Joint Stock Company (0.79%)

10. HẢI NAM Limited Liability Company (0.48%)

Where Can I Find Potential Online Fish Suppliers?

Finding reliable online fish suppliers can be a challenging task. When searching for potential fish suppliers online, Tendata is a reputable platform proud to connect your fish business with high-quality suppliers at reasonable prices. With a vast network of fish suppliers, Tendata can meet your unique needs and ensure uninterrupted procurement processes. By leveraging Tendata, you can connect with multiple suppliers recognized for their professionalism and excellent products, making it the preferred platform for establishing valuable partnerships in the fishing industry. Whether you are a newcomer to the market or trying to establish a modern distribution base, the platform offers comprehensive solutions to help you establish effective and meaningful connections with respected fish suppliers.

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