What Does Ukraine Export in 2023? - Tendata

tendata blogExport News

ten data blog26-04-2024

Ukraine exports mainly iron and steel, coal, fuel and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery and transportation equipment, and cereals such as barley, bulgur and wheat.

More than 60% of Ukraine's exports go to other former Soviet republics, of which Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are the most important. Other countries include Turkey and China.

1.HS Code:1005900000(12.39%, $4193.25 Million):Maz (exc. las de siembra para siembra)

2.HS Code:1512119100(11.43%, $3869.82 Million):SUNFLOWER OIL, RAW, IN PRIMARY PACKAGINGS WITH NET VOLUME OF 10 L OR LESS

3.HS Code:1001990000(7.62%, $2579.97 Million):Wheat and meslin (excl. seed for sowing, and durum wheat)

4.HS Code:1201900000(3.28%, $1108.93 Million):Soya beans, whether or not broken (excluding seed for sowing)

5.HS Code:1205109000(2.93%, $990.44 Million):Low erucic rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of < 2% and yielding a solid component of glucosinolates of < 30 micromoles/g", whether or not broken (excl. for sowing)

6.HS Code:8544300098(2.76%, $934.14 Million):Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets for vehicles, aircraft or ships

7.HS Code:2601120010(2.63%, $891.21 Million):Agglomerated iron ores and concentrates (excl. roasted iron pyrites) + detailed label not available +

8.HS Code:2306300000(2.38%, $804.23 Million):Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of sunflower seeds + detailed label not available +

9.HS Code:1512199010(1.7%, $574.3 Million):Sunflower-seed or safflower oil and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified (excluding crude): Othersunflwr andsafflwr oil excld edible/ non-edble grade

10.HS Code:2601110010(1.43%, $482.69 Million)

ukraine export,ukraine exports,ukraine exports products

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