Export News
From the beef database provided by Tendata, 2,564 beef exporters worldwide were engaged in the business in 2023, with a total export value of $3,960,998,170.04; the number of trades was 216,645.
List of Top 10 Beef Exporters 2023 in the World:
1.SUKARNE(26.17%, $1036.56 Million)
2.GRUPO GUSI(6.81%, $269.93 Million)
4.PRADERAS HUASTECAS(4.03%, $159.78 Million)
6.GRANJAS CARROLL DE MEXICO(2.62%, $103.67 Million)
7.NUEVO CARNIC S A(2.53%, $100.23 Million)
10.SHAKO FLEXIPACK PVT. LTD.(1.53%, $60.56 Million)
Need to Access for All Beef Exporters with Their Shipment Details?
What Are the Relevant Hs Codes for beef export and What Is Their Trade Volume in 2023?
You can find out from the beef export database provided by Tendatat:
1.HS Code:2013001(27.15%, $1.08 Billion):Boneless bovine meat, fresh or chilled: boneless.
2.HS Code:2012091(13.17%, $0.52 Billion):Bovine rib cuts, bone in, o/t bison, fresh or chilled
3.HS Code:2023001(7.57%, $0.3 Billion):Boneless bovine meat, frozen: boneless.
4.HS Code:2023000990(5.39%, $0.21 Billion):Frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals
5.HS Code:2013000990(4.26%, $0.17 Billion):Fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless
6.HS Code:201100008(0.71%, $0.03 Billion):Carcases or half-carcases of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
7.HS Code:15029090(0.67%, $0.03 Billion):Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats (excluding tallow, oleostearin and oleo-oil): Other
8.HS Code:202309008(0.49%, $0.02 Billion):Frozen bovine boneless meat (excl. forequarters, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, each quarter being in a single block "compensated" quarters in two blocks, one of which contains the forequarter, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces , and
You have searched for active beef exporters and buyers from around the world. The exporting companies listed above are from bill of lading records and customs records in customs data. Subscribe to our service and get access to a global database of all beef exporters and their beef export shipment details. This is not just a directory of foreign exporters but a database record of actual shipments done by companies. Our data will help you expand your business by getting new buyers.
About Tendata
Tendata platform is different from the traditional B2B platform of passive waiting for customers: Tendata based on big data, can take the initiative to deeply analyze the customer background, accurately locate the purchasers with transaction records, and can greatly screen and locate the big customers. Tendata iTrader has 180 million global enterprise information, 10 billion data scrolling every day, can quickly and intelligently screen out 121 million executives, decision makers contact information, including email, phone, social media, etc., but also can synchronize the display of the company's yellow pages, product images and web site. At the same time, Tendata provides 19 visualization reports to help foreign trade enterprises accurately locate and analyze the market, so that you can quickly find the precise buyers and suppliers you need. (>>>Check out the Tendata website for more details.)
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