What are the Advantages of Importing from Spain over Portugal?

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog23-01-2024

Spain and Portugal, two neighboring countries on the Iberian Peninsula, have long been important players in international trade. Both nations offer unique advantages for Spain imports, but this article will focus on the advantages of importing from Spain. We'll explore the economic, geographical, and trade-related factors that make Spain imports an attractive choice for importers from Spain.

importing from spain,import from spain,from spain over portugal

Spain's Economic Strength

· Robust Economy: Spain boasts one of the largest economies in the European Union (EU). Its diverse economic sectors, including manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, and services, create a wealth of opportunities for Spain imports.

· Stability: Spain has a history of political and economic stability, which is crucial for long-term business partnerships. Its consistent adherence to EU regulations and standards simplifies cross-border trade, making it a favorable choice for importers from Spain.

Geographical Location

· Gateway to Europe: Spain's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Americas makes it a natural hub for international trade. Its extensive coastline and modern ports facilitate efficient transportation and logistics, benefitting Spain imports.

· Connectivity: Spain's transportation infrastructure, including highways, railways, and airports, is well-developed and interconnected with the rest of Europe. This connectivity ensures smooth transit of goods for importers from Spain.

Trade Relations and Agreements

· EU Membership: Spain is an EU member state, which means that Spain imports provide access to the world's largest single market. Tariff-free trade within the EU simplifies importing processes and reduces costs for importers from Spain.

· Trade Agreements: Spain has an extensive network of trade agreements with countries worldwide, expanding Spain imports possibilities. Its ties with Latin American nations, in particular, create opportunities in various sectors for importers from Spain.

Diverse Product Offerings

· Wide Range of Industries: Spain's diverse economy translates into a wide range of products available for Spain imports. Whether it's agriculture, technology, fashion, or automotive, Spain offers a diverse array of high-quality goods for importers from Spain.

· Unique Products: Spain is renowned for its unique and high-end products, including wine, olive oil, fashion, and luxury goods. Importing these items can set your business apart in the market, benefiting Spain imports.

Cultural and Language Affinity

· Language: For businesses in Spanish-speaking regions or those targeting Spanish-speaking consumers, importing from Spain offers language advantages. Spanish is one of the world's most widely spoken languages, facilitating communication for importers from Spain.

· Cultural Understanding: Spain's cultural ties with Latin America and its appreciation for cultural nuances can facilitate smoother business relations and product localization for Spain imports.


Importing from Spain provides numerous advantages that stem from its economic strength, strategic location, trade relationships, diverse product offerings, and cultural affinities. While Portugal offers its own unique benefits, Spain's size, economic stability, and trade connections often make it the preferred choice for importers from Spain looking to expand their businesses and enter new markets. When considering where to source goods, evaluating Spain's advantages can lead to profitable and sustainable business ventures for Spain imports.

Customs data contains a vast amount of information, and extracting relevant customer contact information can be time-consuming, with results not always meeting expectations. Is it truly the case, or is it because customs data is being used incorrectly, resulting in wasted effort and time?

Utilizing customs data for customer development can be achieved by precisely characterizing all buyers and their procurement systems in the target market. This allows for the quick identification of the most compatible customers, discerning their credit systems and procurement information, determining high-quality customers and profit margins, enhancing development efficiency, and improving overall effectiveness.

In customs data, one can observe the suppliers of buyers. Some of these suppliers are trade companies and also potential customers. In-depth analysis can be conducted on these trade companies, and key customers can be selected for focused development. Information such as buyer contacts, trade partners, procurement cycles, and purchase volumes can be obtained. While customs data may lack contact information due to being derived from bill of lading information, Tendata iTrader provides not only customs data but also business and internet data. This allows for the direct extraction of contact information and positions based on buyer names, making customer development through customs data seamless. (>>> Click To Get Free Access To Customs Data From 80+ Countries)

For new customer development using customs data, three strategies are available for consideration. (>>> Click To Get Free Access To Customs Data From 80+ Countries)

1. Establishing a Customer Database by Country: 

Building a customer database is akin to maintaining a work record. Start by using trade tracking features to compile a list of all customers in a country. Analyze each buyer's purchase volume, procurement cycle, product specifications, and supplier system. Finally, filter out 30% of the potential high-quality customers from this country and record them in your customer database, allowing flexible settings by country, time, customer name, follow-up steps, contact phone, email, contact person, etc. (>>> Click For Free Customer Development)

2. Establishing a Customer Database by Peer Companies: 

Have a clear understanding of the English names of peer companies (including full names, abbreviations, etc.). Use the global supplier network feature to gather all customers of these peers in the system. Analyze these customers based on purchase volume, procurement cycle, and product models. Finally, filter out key customers from your targeted peers and record them in your customer database. (>>> Click For Free Trial Application)

3. Identifying Newly Appeared Customers in Each Country: 

Utilize the trade search function to select a country, set date ranges, limit product names or customs codes, and check "latest." The search results will display high-quality customers that have recently appeared in that country during the specified time period. Since these customers are newly emerging, they may have unstable supplier relationships, requiring focused follow-up. Record these new potential buyers in your customer database. (>>> Click For Free Trial Application)

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These three approaches for customer development using customs data can be implemented based on the actual needs of the company. Considering market conditions, industry characteristics, strategic requirements, etc., find a method that suits your preferences. The ultimate goal is to establish and organize a categorized archive of high-quality customers. Once suitable customers are identified, the next step is to make precise contact through various channels such as phone calls, email communication, online chat, etc.

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