Find International Buyers for Russian Alcoholic Beverages

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog03-04-2024

By the end of 2023, Russia's total imports of alcoholic beverages are set to rise from 96 million dal in 2022 to 102 million dal, according to Igor Alyokhin, head of the Russian Alcohol and Tobacco Control Agency, cited by TASS.

As a result, alcohol imports in Russia decreased by 6 million dal over the course of 12 months. Alyokhin also noted that during the same period, exports, on the contrary, decreased by over 14 million dal, dropping to above 25 million dal.

Previously, the Russian Alcohol and Tobacco Control Agency reported an increase in the production of alcoholic beverages. Based on the results from January to February 2024, this indicator grew by 11% compared to the same period in 2023.

All key segments of the market showed growth. In the first two months of this year, the total production of vodka in the country increased by 4.4%, while other alcoholic beverages saw a growth of 5.7%. Meanwhile, wine production showed the fastest growth, rising by 27.4% year-on-year.

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Where Can You Find International Buyers for Russian Alcoholic Beverages?

Here are some steps to find international buyers for Russian alcoholic beverages:

1. Log in to your Tendata account and navigate to the T-Discovery or T-iTrader section, both of which can help you find international buyers for Russian alcoholic beverages.

2. If you choose the T-Discovery function, simply enter the product name or HS code in the search box to view import data from customs, conduct target market analysis, and origin analysis. Tendata provides data from three major sources: customs import data, commercial data, and cloud search data, all of which display international buyers for Russian alcoholic beverages.

3. If you opt for the T-iTrader function, enter the product name or HS code in the search box to view all international buyers, exporters, HS codes, product names, countries of origin, destination countries, weight, quality, prices, etc., who have engaged in transactions involving alcoholic beverages in the past year.

4. Use filters to narrow down your search based on your requirements. Filters such as buyer type, country, time, product category, and other relevant criteria can help refine your search.

5. Select suitable international buyers of Russian alcoholic beverages based on the customs import data provided by Tendata. Conduct customer background checks and choose the appropriate international buyers for Russian alcoholic beverages based on their purchasing intentions.

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