Search Copper Importers and Buyers List in the World - Tendata

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ten data blog23-05-2024

From the Copper database provided by Tendata, 68,610 Copper importers worldwide were engaged in the business in 2023, with a total import value of $97,715,798,124.25; the number of trades was 2,035,491.

List of Top 10 Copper Importers 2023 in the World:

1.GLENCORE INTERNATIONAL AG(7.68%, $7502.1 Million)

2.IXM C/O(7.23%, $7064 Million)

3.TRAFIGURA PTE LTD(5.46%, $5333.73 Million)

4.HINDALCO INDUSTRIES LIMITED(4.9%, $4785.46 Million)

5.IXM SA(3.31%, $3237.18 Million)


7.FQM TRADING AG(2.32%, $2262.32 Million)

8.DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS TSUMEB PTY(1.83%, $1785.63 Million)

9.VEDANTA LIMITED(1.81%, $1772.82 Million)

10.TRAFIGURAL PTE LTD(1.76%, $1717.21 Million)

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List of Top 10 Copper Importers 2023 in USA:




4.AMROD CORP(4.73%)


6.AML JAPAN LTD(3.44%)





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What Are the Relevant Hs Codes for Copper Import and What Is Their Trade Volume in 2023?

You can find out from the Copper import database provided by Tendatat:

1.HS Code:740200000000(6.5%, $6.35 Billion):Copper, unrefined; Copper anodes for electrolytic refining (detailed label not available)

2.HS Code:740311001000(3.56%, $3.48 Billion):Copper, refined, in the form of cathodes and sections of cathodes

3.HS Code:26030000000(2.65%, $2.59 Billion):Copper ores and concentrates

4.HS Code:74020090(1.97%, $1.93 Billion):Copper, unrefined; Copper anodes for electrolytic refining: Other unrefined Copper;Copper anodes for electrolytic refining

5.HS Code:74111000(1.65%, $1.61 Billion):Tubes and pipes of refined Copper

6.HS Code:74040012(1.51%, $1.47 Billion):Waste and scrap, of Copper (excluding ingots or other similar unwrought shapes, of remelted Copper waste and scrap, ashes and residues containing Copper, and waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators): Copper scrap cove

7.HS Code:74081990(1.08%, $1.05 Billion):Wire of refined Copper, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of <= 6 mm: Others with cross section<=6mm

8.HS Code:74081190(0.63%, $0.61 Billion):Wire of refined Copper, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of > 6 mm: Othr coppr wire wth max crs-sec diamtr>6mm

9.HS Code:26030001(0.57%, $0.56 Billion):Copper ores and their concentrates: Copper ores and their concentrates.

10.HS Code:740811000011(0.49%, $0.48 Billion):Wire of refined Copper, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of > 6 mm + detailed label not available +

11.HS Code:740319000000(0.48%, $0.47 Billion):Copper, refined, unwrought (excluding Copper in the form of billets, wire-bars, cathodes and sections of cathodes)

12.HS Code:740322000000(0.43%, $0.42 Billion):Copper-tin base alloys "bronze" unwrought + detailed label not available +

You have searched for active Copper importers and buyers from around the world. The importing companies listed above are from bill of lading records and customs records in customs data. Subscribe to our service and get access to a global database of all Copper importers and their Copper import shipment details. This is not just a directory of foreign importers but a database record of actual shipments done by companies. Our data will help you expand your business by getting new buyers.

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