Ukraine Export Import Data - Global Trade Data | Tendata

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ten data blog02-11-2023

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Ukraine's imports of products totaled $72.8 billion in 2022, down -24.2% from $ billion in 2021.

Main Suppliers of Ukrainian Imports

The latest data from Tendata iTrader shows that Ukrainian imports are mainly supplied by exporters from the following countries: Mainland China (35.6% of total Ukrainian imports), Poland (7.5%), Germany (5.2%), Turkey (5.1%) , USA (4%), Bulgaria (2.8%), Italy (2.7%), India (2.2%), Russia (2.2%), Czech Republic (1.8%), Romania (1.7%) and Belarus (1.3%).

Ukraine's Top 10 Imports

1. mineral fuels including oil: $12.8 billion (23.2% of total imports)

2. vehicles: $5.2 billion (9.5%)

3. electrical machinery and equipment: $5 billion (9%)

4. machinery including computers: $4.2 billion (7.6%)

5. Plastics, plastic products: $2.5 billion (4.5%)

6. Pharmaceuticals: $1.9 billion (3.4%)

7. Other chemicals: $1.3 billion (2.4%)

8. Optical, technical, medical equipment: $1.2 billion (2.1%)

9. Steel: $952.5 million (1.7%)

10. Fertilizer: $797 million (1.4%)

None of the largest categories of Ukrainian imports show growth from 2021 to 2022. Compared to the same period last year, the largest declines are in Ukraine's imports of fertilizers (-52.1% from 2021), machinery including computers (-47.5%), iron and steel metals (-38.5%), and then pharmaceuticals (-37.8%).

Looking at the more detailed HTS codes, Ukraine's top 10 imports are refined petroleum (15.7% of the Ukrainian total), automobiles (5.3%), liquefied petroleum gas (3.8%), mixing agents (2.8%), coal including solid fuels made from coal (2.1%), telephone equipment including smartphones (1.8%), packaged insecticides, fungicides and herbicides ( 1.7%), tractors (1.4%), generator sets or converters (1.2%), and then computers including optical readers (also 1.2%).


Ukraine exported $44.4 billion worth of products to the world in 2022. Compared to $68.1 billion in 2021, Ukrainian exports decreased -34.7%.

The most profitable Ukrainian exports in 2022 were: corn, sunflower - seeds or safflower oil, iron ore or concentrates, wheat, then oilseed rape or rapeseed.

Ukraine's Main Trading Partners

According to the latest Tendata iTrader data, Ukrainian exports are mainly purchased by importers from the following countries: Poland (9.8% of total exports), Romania (5.7%), Turkey (4.3%), China (3.7%), Hungary (3.34%), Germany (also 3.34%), Italy (2.4%), Spain (2.32%), the Netherlands (2.27%), Slovakia (2.22%), Bulgaria (2.1%) and the Czech Republic (1.8%).

Ukraine and Russia

In 2022, Ukraine exported $492.8 million worth of products to the Russian Federation, down 81.8% from 2021. The most valuable goods exported by Ukraine to Russia included inorganic chemicals, iron and steel, machinery such as computers, and plastic products and plastic products in the form of materials.

Ukraine's expenditure on imports of products from the Russian Federation amounted to $1.54 billion, down -66.1% from 2021.

The largest source of cash for Ukraine's imports from Russia is energy-related products, dominated by processed oil and coal.

In 2022, Ukraine's trade deficit with Russia totaled -$1.049 billion, down -42.9% from a deficit of -$2.7 billion a year earlier.

Ukraine's Top 10 Exports

1. cereals: $9.2 billion (20.6% of total exports)

2. animal and vegetable fats, oils, waxes: $6 billion (13.5%)

3. iron and steel: $4.6 billion (10.3%)

4. Oilseeds: $3.8 billion (8.5%)

5. ores, slag, ash: $3.1 billion (6.9%)

6. motors, equipment: $2.6 billion (5.8%)

7. Wood: $1.9 billion (4.3%)

8. machinery including computers: $1.2 billion (2.7%)

9. food industry waste, animal feed: $1.1 billion (2.5%)

10. iron and steel products: $1.1 billion (2.4%)

Oilseeds are the only one of Ukraine's top ten export categories to grow, by 55.3% from 2021 to 2022.

The biggest drop among the rest of Ukraine's top ten export categories was in iron and steel, with sales of these metals plummeting -67.3% year-over-year .

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