What Are Some Free Websites for Searching Customs Data?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog09-08-2023

China is the world's largest trader of goods and the world's largest exporter. China's customs data is an important basis for enterprises to make decisions on foreign trade, procurement, research and development. So, what are the free customs data query site?

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First, China Customs Data Query

The site provides China Customs clearance data query service, you can query the exporting countries and regions of the import tariff rates, customs statistics.

Second, the global comprehensive ranking of countries

The site can be sorted by country to find the top 50 countries and regions in the latest year's comprehensive ranking. Currently provides comprehensive ranking information of 50 different countries and regions.

Third, the world's major trading countries, regions total exports, total imports

You can query the current global major trading countries and regions in various trade areas of total import and export information. For foreign trade personnel, an in-depth understanding of a country and region, in foreign trade business development will be of great help.

The website can inquire into the total import and export information of major export markets in various trade areas, so as to understand the import and export situation of some major trading countries in different areas.

The site can query the domestic customs statistics, foreign trade people understand the domestic enterprise import and export situation is very helpful.

Fourth, Tendata customs data analysis tools

For customs data on the current quality of the industry, free customs data are very superficial public data, nowadays this era of data, valuable data can not be free, Tendata data is recommended or spend money to buy, because free customs data is actually the most expensive. (>>> Click to get free customs data of 80+ countries)

Shanghai Tendata foreign trade pass covers 80 + countries detailed customs data query, (>>> Click on the online free use of data) the EU 27 countries statistical data query, millions of real and accurate buyer information, turnover of customers bill of lading information details. 17 kinds of market data analysis report a key to generate the system intelligently generates a variety of data analysis report, assisting the management of the decision-making process is easy.

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