How to Use Customs Data Platform to Find Overseas Customers?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog17-10-2023

customs data,find customer,find overseas customers

Data, as one of the essential tools for international trade professionals, plays a crucial role in conducting business effectively. However, many people tend to rely on traditional methods like reaching out to customers directly through emails after identifying potential customers by their products. Unfortunately, these approaches often result in low efficiency and limited responses. So, how can you effectively use customs data to discover high-quality overseas customers?

Customs data serves as vital trade documents. As an international trade company, you can utilize customs data for prolonged analysis of your competitors' actual industry situation, production scale, and product sales orientation. This enables your business to understand the competitive landscape, identify your strengths, and position yourself strategically in the industry. By analyzing transaction records and tracking your existing customers' activity, you can gain insights into your own advantages and disadvantages, which, in turn, help you identify market opportunities and expand your market share.

Customs data is widely known to contain relevant information about trade partners and detailed product information. Through deep customer profiling during the data search process, you can gain crucial insights into whether the customer is a professional buyer. This step is vital as it helps avoid resource wastage. By analyzing the purchasing behavior and transaction history of buyers, you can further assess their purchasing power. This plays a significant role in finding suitable buyers and focusing your efforts on the customers who have real demand.

Understanding Buyer Purchasing Patterns:

Once you've identified potential buyers, the next step is not just sending them information directly. Instead, it's crucial to understand their purchasing habits by using customs data and tracking and analyzing their transaction history. You'll need to know the order quantities and delivery times. Understanding whether customers prioritize product quality or price is essential for improving your conversion rate. Keep in mind that different countries have varying customs policies. For example, some EU countries do not provide detailed bill information. To expand into markets in Western European countries, you can use a reverse search method through countries like Russia and India. These countries provide both import and export data, allowing you to find high-quality customers in EU countries.

By effectively using customs data in your international trade operations, you can not only identify potential overseas customers but also tailor your marketing strategies to their specific needs, ultimately increasing your success in finding high-quality foreign customers.

"To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools."

Using effective global trade tools can help international traders achieve more with less effort, akin to giving oneself a pair of wings. While others are walking, you might be running, and while others are running, you could already be flying. Whether you're looking for known company names or websites, or seeking new customers, Tendata's global trade tool, Tendata iTrader, only requires a search using the product name or HS code. There's no need for various search commands, simplifying the complex search process, and providing you with potential customers related to the search criteria. The search results include intuitive and valuable information such as company websites, company names, contact numbers, emails, and social media profiles. (>>>Click to Learn More)

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