How to Develop Import and Export Customers?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog19-10-2023

Many importers and exporters often find themselves overwhelmed with work, working hard every day but not achieving high efficiency. It's not about a lack of capability but rather not having the right import and export tools. Today, let's list some commonly used tools for customer development and email finding!

Ten data analyzes the overall supply chain relationships through data, covering five major processes: expanding, configuring, targeting, reaching out, and stabilizing, increasing deal opportunities by 180%!

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import customer,export customer,import and export customer

1. Expanding: 

Don't Wait Around, Boost Active Marketing by 10 Times Traditional trade shows are costly, and offline competition among peers makes it increasingly challenging to find precise customers. Online B2B platforms are increasingly tilted toward top clients, and attracting clients from these platforms mostly leads to small-scale orders. Operating online comes with rising costs and growing advertising expenses, making it harder for small teams to survive.

At this point, Ten data introduces the concept of proactive marketing. Ten data contains trade data from 218 countries and regions, business data from 198 countries, internet data from 141 countries, with all three databases updating in real-time, gathering massive amounts of authentic customer information for you to prepare to engage with.

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2. Configuring: 

Select the Few, Enhance Customer Accuracy by 80% With all this customer data at your disposal, the next step is to identify those who match your criteria!

We start by searching for global active trade buyers with clear purchasing intentions using various dimensions such as product name, HS codes, importer/exporter names, SIC codes, etc., all available in the Ten data system. We then analyze their supply chain relationships.

Why analyze the supply chain relationships?

In the first case, if data analysis reveals that all the client's suppliers are from a single country (and not yours), it indicates they might be unwilling to collaborate with suppliers from other countries. These clients are not suitable for development.

In the second case, if the data analysis shows the client has suppliers from your country, but these suppliers are domestic industry leaders, and you lack advantages in terms of price, quality, delivery times, etc., then you're likely not equipped to handle clients that have already outgrown your capabilities. It's better to temporarily give up on such clients until you have the capacity to develop them.

So how do you achieve precise customer acquisition?

When selecting clients, choose those with production capacities similar to yours or smaller competitors who can benefit from your advantages in terms of quality, price, purchase quantity, etc.

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3. Targeting: 

Stand Out, Increase Deal Closing Rate by 5 Times Now that you have precise customers, you need to be aware that customers likely have their long-term partnership resources, i.e., competitors. Before communicating with customers or sending emails, you should first evaluate the competition. Track and analyze the main competitors' business distribution, supply capabilities, price changes, transaction records, and other information to comprehensively understand the dynamics of all competitors in the target market.

Ten data can help you do this quickly without requiring extensive research. Just input the competitor's company name into Ten data, and you'll see their detailed information. With this information, you can develop a differentiated market, brand, channel, and competition strategy to make your communication with customers more effective.

For example, when you send an email to a purchasing client (Client A), you can say, "I know that your company purchases from Companies B, C, and D in our country. But we have an advantage in terms of production scale, quality, delivery times, and prices. Could you consider ordering a sample from us?" This approach builds trust and could lead to orders!

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4. Reaching: 

Smart and Precise, Reduces Ineffective Follow-Up Time by 50% Ten data also provides a vital feature, one-click access to key contacts of clients. These contacts come with positions such as purchasing, CEO, etc., making it easy to see. Ten data also comes with integrated email sending and management tools, enabling batch email sending, smart follow-up effect tracking, and saving a lot of communication costs.

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5. Stabilizing: 

Retain Existing Clients, Reduce Customer Churn Rate by 60% For import and export sales, you need to develop new customers, but also maintain existing ones. Ten data can study and assess the purchase dynamics and habits of already-cooperating, pending-cooperation, or lost customers with precise data, grasp the customer's product type, quantity, and price changes, and establish a stable supply and demand relationship to effectively maintain clients.

For example, by using Ten data, you can analyze which suppliers your client purchases from and determine your company's market share.

Then, when communicating with clients, you can list your advantages to secure a larger market share.

Many companies may not know how much they can purchase in the new year, but most enterprises have sales targets. The achievement of sales targets depends not only on market development but also on supply chain support.

At this point, we suggest offering to assist clients in achieving their sales targets by providing all the necessary conditions. You don't need to take up all the market share; 40% is enough!

This is another aspect of customer retention, helping clients sell products and expand their markets!

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1. Obtain Customs Data from 80+ Countries to Find Suitable Buyers

Tendata Customs Database provides real-time access to customs data from over 80 countries, 42 countries along the Europe-Asia route, 10+ billion real-time trade data, and a database of 130 million importers and exporters. This assists you in understanding global market trade trends and distribution, allowing you to quickly, accurately, and scientifically target hot-selling countries and emerging markets for your products. >>>Inquire Online

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2. Present Trade Details and Directly Contact Buyers

Customs data is one of the fundamental tools for international traders to develop buyers, enabling you to move from market insights and competitor analysis to customer development.

Tendata iTrader offers various search criteria for detailed examination of each cross-border transaction, including exporter, importer, commodity type, transaction quantity, transaction amount, origin, carrier, departure port, arrival port, and more. Swiftly and comprehensively gather importers and exporters based on their procurement volume and preferences, pinpointing your target customers. By comparing historical import export data, you can quickly identify authentic importers and exporters, thereby providing you with accurate opportunities for successful transactions. >>>Click to Get Sample Online

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3. Professional Market Analysis to Seize Opportunities for Closing Deals

Which website is good for customs data inquiries? This is a question that many international trade enterprises are highly concerned about!

Tendata Customs Data Platform offers nearly 20 types of market analysis reports (>>>Click to Use Data Analytics for Free Online) that can be customized and analyzed in a multi-dimensional, visual manner. This enables you to effortlessly identify your peers' primary export markets and buyers. Through analyzing transaction quantities, prices, and supply chains of target buyers, as well as examining bill of lading details of successful buyers and competitor information, various data analysis reports are intelligently generated to highlight your competitive advantages, aiding you in capturing a larger market share.

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