Trade Statistics by Country - Import Export Data | Tendata

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog31-10-2023

Official, Verified Global Trade Data

Tendata Trade Statistics is the world's leading provider of trade statistics, serving governments, businesses, importers, and exporters on six continents.

Find exactly the data you need with the precise search tools in the comprehensive Tendata Trade Statistics database.

Tendata Trade Statistics collects monthly import and export data from customs agencies, statistical agencies, and other sources in more than 200 countries and territories, then uses the Tendata iTrader system to organize, publish, and present the import and export data to you in a variety of user-friendly formats, including bar charts, histograms, tables, and more.

Tendata provides import data for 91 countries, export data for 84 countries, and statistics for over 200+ countries and regions.Tendata Trade Statistics by Country is listed below:

trade statistics,trade statistics by country,trade statistics data

>>>Get Trade Statistics by Country<<<

Tendata Trade Statistics provides unrivaled real-time market intelligence in over a dozen languages, months faster than free customs data. You can access up-to-the-minute competitor intelligence anytime, anywhere. With this intelligence, you can quickly adjust your market strategy instead of waiting for your competitors to take a step forward.

The Tendata Trade Statistics database is easy to sort and read and contains detailed information on importers, exporters, HS codes, product prices, weights, quantities, containers, and ports and regions. Our data covers every country, industry, trade route and supply chain in the world, using thousands of unique HS codes to track each different product and commodity. For each HS code, we use trade statistics to help you understand what's really going on.

Tendata Trade Statistics also offers the world's best customer service, with dozens of branches in China providing you with more than 100 on-call customer service agents. Their customer service staff are renowned experts with decades of experience in global trade statistics, commodities and supply chains. They provide comprehensive training and rapid feedback so that clients can easily utilize trade statistics for business, research.

As global trade changes dramatically, Tendata Trade Statistics remains committed to updating its databases with the latest software and methodologies and to providing its clients with the world's most accurate, up-to-date and valuable trade statistics.

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