How to Find Trade Data for Chinese Companies?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog06-11-2023

In the dynamic world of international trade, accessing accurate and up-to-date trade data is crucial for businesses looking to engage with Chinese companies. Understanding the products, trends, and business activities of Chinese enterprises is vital for informed decision-making. In this article, Tendata will explore how to find trade data for Chinese companies, providing valuable insights into their export and import trends.

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The functions of trade data:

1. Navigating China's Export Market

With its vast manufacturing capabilities, China has a diverse export portfolio, including electronics, textiles, machinery, and more. Trade data helps in identifying top-performing sectors.

2. Import Trends for Chinese Companies

Understanding what Chinese companies are importing can provide valuable information for potential partnerships. Trade data reveals their needs and preferences.

3. Regional Insights

Trade data can be analyzed regionally, offering insights into the geographical distribution of Chinese businesses. This information can guide your market entry strategy.

4. Seasonal Trends and Market Behavior

Trade data can uncover seasonal fluctuations and market behaviors specific to Chinese companies, allowing you to time your engagements effectively.

Tendata: Your Gateway to Chinese Trade Data

In the realm of trade data, Tendata stands out as a reliable resource. It offers a wide range of trade data, facilitating a deeper understanding of China's corporate landscape.Tendata is a user-friendly platform that allows you to access trade data for Chinese companies with ease. Here's how to make the most of it:

1. Product Search:

Tendata's product search feature enables you to explore trade data for specific products. You can identify popular export or import items and assess their market performance.

2. Company Profiling:

Tendata provides comprehensive profiles of Chinese companies engaged in international trade. These profiles offer insights into a company's products, trade partners, and more.

3. Custom Reports:

Tailor-made reports can be generated on Tendata, allowing you to focus on the specific data points that matter most to your business objectives.

4. Trend Analysis:

Utilize Tendata's trend analysis tools to gain a deeper understanding of export and import trends for Chinese companies over time.

5. Competitive Intelligence:

Tendata can help you analyze the competitive landscape by identifying key players in your target market and their trade activities.


Accessing trade data for Chinese companies is essential for any business looking to engage in trade with China. Tendata provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that allows you to explore the export and import trends, product information, and market behaviors of Chinese enterprises. By utilizing these insights, you can make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and develop successful partnerships in the ever-evolving world of international trade.

Step 1: Develop Customers and Quickly Create a List of Matching Customers

Tendata iTrader, with customs data of 91+ countries, business data of 198 countries, internet data of 172 countries, 10+ billion trade data, 120 million in-depth enterprise data and 130 million importers/exporters database, comprehensively grasps the existing importers/exporters and new importers/exporters in the target market, and quickly helps you to develop customers; it also provides a variety of search methods, and you can search by them. Tendata also provides a variety of search methods by product, company name, hs code, etc. Intelligent one-key query to quickly develop a list of matching customer groups. (>>> Click to develop customers)

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Step 2: Analyze Customers And Get Contact Information Of Precise Decision Makers

Tendata iTrader, fast batch access to importers and exporters, according to their purchasing volume price and preferences, for you to locate the target customers, while providing target customer information, covering corporate, executive, financial and industry data, etc., a key to dig deeper into the purchasing, executives and other responsible person email, social media, company website and other information, to create the conditions for you to develop customers! (>>> Click to find contact information of importers and exporters)

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