Which Import and Export Customer Development System Is Good?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog28-11-2023

customer development,customer develop,global customer development

Perhaps it's hard to believe, but in 2023, many import and export professionals still cling to import-export platforms without expanding customer acquisition channels. However, forward-thinking individuals in the import and export sector, with the financial means, are venturing into import-export software, LinkedIn, exhibitions, and field promotion, experiencing the benefits of independent development.

In terms of the external environment, according to the latest report from the World Trade Organization, global commodity trade volume is expected to slow down from a 3.5% increase in 2022 to 1.0% in 2023. The U.S.'s anti-globalization policies, the division of the world market into camps, and the policy of containing "decoupling" from China will persist, posing multiple challenges to import and export. Concerning internal customer acquisition, traditional methods are becoming increasingly difficult, with exhibitions dwindling, B2B platform traffic becoming prohibitively expensive, Google data collection imprecise, and social media promotion inadequate. Orders are becoming more fragmented, competition more intense, and profits thinner. In 2023, customer acquisition in import and export is becoming increasingly challenging.

Firstly, there are limited customer acquisition channels: offline channels face significant restrictions, necessitating the development of new customer acquisition channels; 

Secondly, customer resources are decreasing: the global decline in consumer purchasing power has led to fewer large customers and more small customers; 

Thirdly, marketing strategies are hindered: the growth of small customer numbers means diverse customer demands, requiring practitioners to adopt more types of marketing strategies; 

Fourthly, higher customer acquisition costs: as import and export enterprises accelerate their transformation through online platforms for digital marketing and customer acquisition, traffic costs skyrocket.

In the face of internal and external challenges, how can import and export enterprises break through the adversity? In 2023, proactive initiatives will always outweigh passive waiting!

Never stick to platforms; multi-channel development is the way forward. Ideas for developing small and medium-sized B customers: Use a fishing net to catch fish, which is more efficient and faster than using a harpoon. It can be the first echelon of customer development.

Ideas for developing large B customers: Using a harpoon to catch fish has the disadvantage of being difficult and time-consuming. It can be the second echelon of customer development.

Whether it is large B customers or small and medium B customers, the core logic of customer development is the MANT rule, with M representing Money, the customer's purchasing power; A representing Authority, whether the customer is a key decision-maker; N representing Needs, whether the customer has demand; and T representing Time, the customer's demand and procurement time.

For large B customers, due to the long time-consuming process, comprehensive knowledge of the customer is required. It must be developed one-on-one. Here, taking the example of PVC in the U.S. market, we first pinpoint and quantify the market, find companies that produce such products in the U.S. market, and then find relevant decision-makers and their contact information. Platforms like Tendata Import-Export can be utilized for thorough background checks on customers, understanding their main products, company strength, main customer groups and attributes, and primary sales channels. In communication with the customer, the focus should be on understanding the general procurement time and procurement needs of the customer.

"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools." 

With good import export tools, you can make global importers and exporters twice as much with half the effort, equivalent to give yourself a pair of wings. When others are walking when you are running, others are running when you already have wings. 

Whether you are conducting market analysis or looking for new customers, you can use Tendata iTrader to help you quickly improve efficiency. In Tendata iTrader, simply search by product name or HS code, omitting the complicated search process, and then you can get the potential customers related to the search criteria. Search results include company name, executive contact numbers, email, social media and other contact information, allowing you to quickly reach out to potential customers. (>>> Click for Other Details)


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