What Import-Export Data Does Tendata Provide for Which Countries?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog20-03-2024

As the platform providing import-export data for the most countries from China, many curious foreign trade enterprises may wonder which countries Tendata can provide import-export data services for.

Do they have data for your target country? What countries' data can I see? Tendata will now reveal it to you!

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When you want to view global market analysis, we recommend using the "T-Discovery" feature. "T-Discovery" provides three data sources: trade data, business data, and cloud search data, allowing you to access import-export data. Trade data is cleaned customs data, providing you with the most accurate trade references; business data is semi-cleaned customs data imported directly from official channels, covering a broader range of non-; Tendata also provides cloud search data directly connected to the internet, showing you search results from the web.

- Trade data covers 218 countries/regions globally, accumulating over 2 billion trade transaction details, accurately analyzing the distribution of import and export countries, import and export customs details, and the market environment of target countries can all be thoroughly displayed.

- Business data involves 198 countries, with business databases for over 230+ sub-industries, deep data on 2.1 billion+ enterprises, covering operational status, financial information, peers, executives, etc., finely detailed data facilitating a deep evaluation of the true strength of target customers and expanding potential customer base.

- Cloud search data includes 172 countries, with 700+ million enterprise contact information, containing basic information such as company names, official website links, product images, contact persons, and also integrates information from LinkedIn, social platforms, etc., helping foreign trade enterprises comprehensively understand customers and markets.

Have you noticed? Tendata provides precise trade data for dozens of countries and regions on the internet that cannot be freely found! Where do these data come from? Which countries are special? Consult Tendata immediately to learn about import-export data!

When you want to acquire more customers, we recommend using the "T-iTrader" feature. "T-iTrader" not only provides accurate lists of importers and exporters from 74 countries/regions but also offers 17 types of reports for you. You can not only see your potential customers through import-export data but also see your competitors! You can also use the "Global Search" service to see importer and exporter information from over 260+ countries/regions worldwide, from the United States to Wallis and Futuna, and find potential foreign trade customers globally!

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So, why can some countries be found in "Global Search" while others cannot? Consult Tendata immediately for details!

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