How to Capture High-Intent Global Customers After Live Streaming?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog29-04-2024

Many foreign traders have noticed that an increasing number of their counterparts are inclined to use live streaming to promote their products. Why are so many people flocking to the live streaming industry? Is live streaming effective? What points should be noted in live streaming, and how to retain global customers who enter through live streaming? Let Tendata tell you about the subtleties of live streaming.

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1. Why more and more foreign traders are inclined to do live streaming

Foreign traders who use social media channels for customer development have a keen sense. In recent years, the popularity of TikTok abroad is evident. Whether it's real or virtual hosts, they have cashed in on this trend. Can live streaming be applied to their own industry? Many foreign traders can't help but ponder this question. Indeed, some bold and meticulous foreign traders have ventured into the live streaming industry—simply proficient in spoken English, one can quickly embark on live streaming. Zero cost, high returns, live streaming has become all the rage.

There are many benefits of live streaming for local manufacturers:

(1) Real-time interaction and trust building: When developing global customers, the most difficult issue is trust. Due to the cross-nationality, many buyers often hold distrustful views of manufacturers. When receiving inquiries, many foreign traders have encountered absurd questions like "Show me a picture of your factory" or "Is your company real?" live streaming provides an opportunity for real-time interaction, where viewers can see the real products through the live streaming lens, ask questions, and interact instantly, fostering intimacy that helps build trust. In the field of foreign trade, establishing trust is crucial, as it may take customers a long time to confirm cooperation. Live streaming allows customers to have a more intuitive understanding of your products and brand, thus increasing their trust.

(2) Product display and demonstration: live streaming can showcase the features, functions, and advantages of products in real-time, allowing viewers to have a clearer understanding of the products. Through live demonstrations, foreign traders can showcase the quality and performance of products, attracting the attention of potential customers and increasing sales conversion rates.

(3) Cost and time-saving: Compared to traditional offline trade shows or sales activities, live streaming has lower costs and saves time. Foreign traders can communicate with potential customers from around the world through live streaming without actually traveling to the customers' locations, greatly reducing the difficulty and cost of market expansion.

(4) Increase brand exposure: Live streaming can attract a large number of viewers, especially when conducted through social media platforms, which can expand the brand's exposure. Foreign traders can showcase their brands and products to a global audience through live streaming, increasing brand awareness and attracting more potential customers. Moreover, live streaming on social media platforms usually has a "replay" feature. Even if few people watch a live stream, many foreign traders find that after the live stream, there is a continuous influx of inquiries and messages through the replay.

2. Is live streaming effective?

Many global companies are hesitant to invest directly in live streaming, or after investing in it, they feel that it is ineffective and give up quickly. Why do some foreign traders thrive in live streaming while others struggle? Have you paid attention to the following points when doing live streaming?

(1) live streaming must be combined with community operations.

To do live streaming, you must first do social media marketing. Whether it's WhatsApp marketing, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok... first promote your brand to ensure that there are viewers for your live streaming. Acquiring customers through social media marketing may be challenging in the early stages, but once you start, the subsequent results will be rewarding! global customers will bring more and more global customers through sharing and recommendations!

(2) How to retain customers through live streaming?

Many global companies have tried live streaming and found that although there were people coming in during the live stream, they left after a short while. Or there were comments after the live stream, but many attempts to follow up ended in failure. What to do in this case?

1、You need to first determine the positioning of your live stream, targeting your product's target market and customers. (>> Understand Tendata's market analysis function)

Foreign traders can conduct market analysis on the Tendata Customs Data platform to identify high-growth areas in the market. Targeting customers from these regions for live streaming will be much more effective than casting a wide net.

global customer,global customers,developing global customers

2、The importance of customer segmentation(>> Use Tendata to query customer purchase records)

During live streaming, buyers' attention will be more dispersed. Therefore, after the live stream, it is necessary to label the buyers. It is essential for any foreign trade live streamer to conduct targeted follow-ups for different purchasers. Buyers who frequently purchase similar products from you should be followed up more attentively. For new buyers who are just trying out new markets, simple follow-ups will suffice. Use Tendata Customs Data to view the purchase records of different buyers, classify all global customers, and make your live stream more effective.

For example, Tendata found through the customs data system that this global customer has been purchasing auto parts from China for the past three years, with recent purchase records indicating large and stable purchasing demand. Such customers can be focused on for development.

global customer,global customers,developing global customers

3、Bringing in more customers through existing global customers (>> Use Tendata to obtain reverse customer acquisition)

These retained global customers can bring in more global customers for you! Many foreign traders don't know how to do this? By using Tendata's customs data, view the supply chain list of customers, and then check the customers of these suppliers—reverse customer acquisition. You can make full use of these customer lists to gain as many potential global customers as possible!

global customer,global customers,developing global customers

When you have done all of these points, you don't have to worry about not achieving the desired results with live streaming. Of course, if you feel that live streaming is time-consuming, troublesome to recruit additional staff, and requires complex social media marketing operations... you can directly use Tendata Customs Data System to find potential global customers! Just enter the product name in the Tendata Customs Data System, and you can instantly obtain tens of thousands of potential global customers from 218 countries or regions worldwide. What are you waiting for? Contact Tendata now for a free demonstration! (>> Get a free demonstration from Tendata)

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