How to Find Global Distributors Using Customs Data?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog24-01-2025

Finding reliable distributors is essential for expanding your business globally. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal to identify potential distributors is customs data. By analyzing customs records, you can gain valuable insights into trade activities, identify key players in your industry, and connect with distributors who are already importing products similar to yours. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to leverage customs data to find global distributors.

global distributor,global distributors,find global distributors

1. Understand the Basics of Customs Data

Customs data provides detailed information on import/export transactions across countries. This data typically includes:

Importers and exporters'names

Product categories and descriptions

Shipping volume

Transaction values

Ports of entry and exit

Dates of transactions

Using customs data, you can track the flow of goods into and out of different countries and identify distributors that are already active in your industry or product category.

global distributor,global distributors,find global distributors

2. Identify Target Markets and Product Categories

Before you start searching for distributors, determine which countries and product categories are most relevant to your business. For example, if you manufacture electronics, you would focus on countries that import a significant volume of electronics. By narrowing down your focus, you can refine your search to identify distributors that specialize in your sector.

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3. Analyze Importers and Distributors

Once you have identified the regions and product categories, start analyzing the customs data to find importers and distributors who are actively involved in your industry. Key data points to look for include:

Importer/exporter names

The frequency and volume of their shipments

The types of products they are importing

The countries they are importing from (which could reveal their sourcing strategies)

By identifying consistent importers of your product type, you can focus on building relationships with these companies.

4. Evaluate Potential Distributors

After finding potential distributors, it’s essential to evaluate them to ensure they are the right fit for your business. Consider the following factors:

Market Experience: Look for distributors with experience in your product category and market.

Volume and Frequency: Choose distributors who regularly import products similar to yours, indicating that they have established operations and a steady demand for your product.

Geographic Reach: Consider distributors with a broad geographic reach, especially if you plan to expand beyond a single country or region.

global distributor,global distributors,find global distributors

5. Reach Out to Potential Distributors

Once you have identified and vetted potential distributors, the next step is to contact them directly. Leverage the contact information found in customs data platforms (email, phone, social media) to initiate communication. When reaching out, it’s important to present a clear value proposition and explain why your product would be a good addition to their portfolio.

6. Use Customs Data Visualization Tools

Some platforms, such as Tendata, provide advanced data visualization tools that can help you better analyze trade flows and identify potential distributors. These tools allow you to create custom reports, charts, and graphs, making it easier to spot trends, track competitors, and find distributors by market, product category, and trade volume.

7. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Customs data is continuously updated, so you can track the performance of your distributors and identify new opportunities as they arise. By staying updated on trade activities, you can quickly adapt to changes in the market and shift your focus to emerging distributors in new regions.

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Recommended Platforms for Accessing Customs Data


Tendata provides detailed global trade data, including contact information for over 210 million companies across 218 countries. It’s an excellent platform for finding distributors and analyzing trade flows in your sector.

global distributor,global distributors,find global distributors

TradeMap (ITC): offers free access to international trade statistics and is managed by the International Trade Centre (ITC). It's ideal for identifying market trends and potential distributors in over 220 countries.

UN Comtrade: provides international trade data from the United Nations, covering a broad range of countries and product categories.

Eurostat: The European Union’s official statistics office, Eurostat offers detailed trade data between EU and non-EU countries, useful for finding European distributors.


Customs data is a powerful tool to find global distributors. By analyzing trade volumes, product categories, and import/export patterns, businesses can identify and connect with distributors that are actively involved in their industry. Using reliable platforms like Tendata, TradeMap, and UN Comtrade, companies can make data-driven decisions to expand their market reach and build lasting relationships with key distributors worldwide.

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