Brazil Import Tradedata - Customs Data | Tendata

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog31-10-2023

Brazil imports mainly manufactured goods (89% of total imports), namely machinery, fuels and lubricants, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, as well as parts and accessories for motor vehicles and tractors. The country also imports raw materials (11%), mainly crude oil, coal, natural gas and wheat.

Brazil's main import partners are China (22%), the United States (19%), Argentina and Germany (5% each), and Canada, Japan, Chile and Mexico (2% each).

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Latest Brazilian Import Data

Explore opportunities in the Brazil market with Brazil Import Tradedata. Learn about the top importers, exporters, total shipments, importers and exporters of Brazil from our Brazil Import Tradedata list. Plan effective marketing strategies based on Brazil trade data from 2005-2023.

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Brazil Import Tradedata is a reliable source of market intelligence on Brazil trade information. We collect detailed customs information on Brazil imports from trusted sources so that we can provide you with a broader picture of Brazil imports.

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Importing from overseas carries many risks. Your suppliers may be unreliable, dishonest, or even fabricate. Use Tendata Brazil Import Data to check the transaction history of your current and potential suppliers and avoid damage to your assets.

Find Out More

If you sell products or services to Brazil importers or exporters, you can find more prospects by looking at companies that have imported similar products in the past. Check out competitors' customers to get an idea of the opportunities you can target. You can even narrow your search in each market to find new opportunities.

Finding new opportunities in the global trade market starts with Tendata Brazil Import Data. Our customer service staff is available 24/7. If you need hints and tips, he's always willing to lend a hand.

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