India Import Trade Data in September - Tendata

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog13-11-2023

India is one of the largest economies globally, and its import and export markets are highly active and diversified. India's import and export markets are continually affected by policy changes, global economic fluctuations, and geopolitical influences. The government is focused on increasing exports, reducing import dependency, and encouraging local manufacturing through initiatives such as "Make in India" and "Digital India." As a member of the World Trade Organization, India actively engages in international trade negotiations, which are expected to drive the growth of its import and export markets.

India's imports stood at $5.384 billion in September, down 8.18% from the previous month.

india import,india import data,india imports

The latest Tendata iTrader data shows that India's Top 10 imports in September 2023, based on 2-digit HS codes, were:

1.Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products (37.84%)

2.Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins (10.67%)

3.Electrical, electronic equipment (9.51%)

4.Machinery, nuclear reactors, oilers (7.48%)

5.Organic chemicals (4.07%)

6.Plastics (3.1%)

7.Animal, vegetale fats and oils, cleavage products (2.95%)

8.Fertilizers (2.36%)

9.Iron and steel (2.29%)

10.Inorganic chemicals, precious metal compound, isotope (1.73%)

When you need to understand the market in India, you can search in Tendata's India Importers Data using either the product name or the HS code to get market trends across the industry. Of course, in addition to the above, Tendata also supports searches by importer name, importer address, port of origin, port of destination, bill of lading number, weight, quantity, number of containers, dimensions, and more. You can see all the fields in India Importers Data have these data. With this India Importers Data, you can quickly perform market analysis. Here is a sample of the queries for you (data as of September 2023):

india import,india import data,india imports

The latest Tendata iTrader data shows that India's major import partners are:

1.China (19.19%)

2.Russia (10.73%)

3.United Arab Emirates (8.22%)

4.United States (7.5%)

5.Saudi Arabia (5.56%)

6. Iraq (5.47%)

7.Hong Kong (4.76%)

8. Singapore (4.45%)

9. Indonesia (4.07%)

10.Switzerland (3.81%)

When you want to find out whether Indian importers prefer to work with exporters from your country, you can look in Tendata's India Importers Data by country name. Don't forget to select the timeframe to get the latest import/export data. Below is a sample of the queries for you (data as of September 2023):

india import,india import data,india imports

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