How to Find Global Food and Beverage Exporter?

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog04-12-2023

Food and beverage exports are an important part of the global economy. The types of food and beverages exported around the world vary greatly, from traditional staples such as rice, wheat and corn to more exotic products such as coffee, tea and chocolate. In addition to these staples, a wide range of other food and beverage products are also exported around the world. This includes processed foods, such as canned and frozen foods, and alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine and spirits.

food and beverage exports,food and beverage exporters,food and beverage export

There are many common types of food and beverages that are exported to other countries around the world, here are some examples:

1. Coffee:

- Origin: Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, India, etc.

- Exporting Countries: Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, Brazil and Colombia are the major coffee exporters while Vietnam is the major Robusta coffee producer.

2. Tea:

- Origin: China, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, etc.

- Exporters: China and India are the largest producers of tea in the world and export their tea all over the world. Sri Lanka and Kenya are also important tea exporters.

3. Chocolate:

- Origin: Switzerland, Belgium, the United States, etc.

- Exporters: Switzerland and Belgium are known for their high quality chocolates and have become major exporters of chocolates. The United States is also one of the largest chocolate markets in the world.

4. Italian pasta:

- Origin: Italy

- Exporting Countries: Italian pasta is popular all over the world and Italy is the leading producer and exporter of it.

5. Olive Oil:

- Origin: Spain, Italy, Greece

- Exporting Countries: Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece are the major exporters of olive oil worldwide.

6. Beer:

- Origin: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands

- Exporting Countries: Germany and Belgium are known for their beer tradition and are among the major exporters of beer globally.

7. Wine:

- Origin: France, Italy, Spain

- Exporting Countries: France is one of the largest exporters of red wine in the world, while Italy and Spain also have a significant presence in the international market.

8. Rice:

- Origin: China, India, Thailand

- Exporting Countries: Asian countries like China, India and Thailand are the major producers and exporters of rice in the world.

Benefits of Exporting Food and Beverage Products

Exporting food and beverage products can significantly expand the reach of your business in the international market. It provides an economical way to obtain them as production costs are usually lower in other countries. In addition, it allows your business to reach a larger consumer base, which can lead to increased revenue. All of this can lead to increased sales and profits while maintaining product quality and providing a better experience for your customers.

How to Find Food and Beverage Exporters?

Tendata Customs database, real-time global customs data covering 65 countries, 42 countries Eurasian route data, 10+ billion real-time trade data, positioning 180 million global enterprise information, help you understand the global market trade trends and distribution, for your products quickly, accurately and scientifically target hot countries and emerging markets. >>>Online Consultation

food and beverage exports,food and beverage exporters,food and beverage export

By entering the specific names or HS codes of food and beverages into Tendata's import and export database, you can quickly find your potential customers. By analyzing these companies, you can find customers who have demand for your products and get inquiries quickly. Below are examples for you:

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