International Tea Importers - Overview, Trade & Partners | Tendata

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog05-12-2023

View the import customs data of International Tea Importers through Tendata.

In T-Discovery, simply search for the International Tea Importers name to access detailed information about the company, including SNS contact details. When you need in-depth company research or data cleansing, you can contact Tendata to request a FREE DEMO.

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Use Tendata to examine International Tea Importers's trading trends, suppliers, and import records over the past year. Additional information includes HS codes for the company's imported products, the suppliers they collaborate with, and port details. Here's an example:

The HS code of the company's most imported products in the past year are:

1. 9022010:Green tea in immediate packings of > 3 kg: Green tea in pckts>3kg but<=20 kg

2. 9024010:Black fermented tea and partly fermented tea, whether or not flavoured, in immediate packings of > 3 kg: Tea black in pckt>3kg but<= 20 kg

3. 9024030:Black fermented tea and partly fermented tea, whether or not flavoured, in immediate packings of > 3 kg: Tea black,dust in bulk

4. 90240:Black fermented tea and partly fermented tea, whether or not flavoured, in immediate packings of > 3 kg

5. 9030000:Mate

international tea importers,international tea importer,tea importers

When you want to explore other importers related to International Tea Importers, use the reporting function in Tendata iTrader. Input the product name, and you'll see companies that have exported Tea in the past year. You can further narrow down the scope by specifying the country, HS code, or destination country. This feature enables you to conduct competitor analysis, identify potential customers, or observe market dynamics.

international tea importers,international tea importer,tea importers

Through customs data from 218 countries worldwide, Tendata establishes connections with 25,130 active companies of Tea Importers. Tendata updates new company import products and their contact information daily.

Key Features of Tendata:

1. Discover New Importers and Build Valuable Connections:

Gain access to new potential customers daily with continuous updates. Our user-friendly interface enhances your work efficiency by 200%. These new sales leads provide exporters with fresh trade opportunities.

2. Reach Decision-Makers:

Our database provides contact information for decision-makers in each company, including managers and leaders in the purchasing department. Contact details include corporate email, personal work email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can establish connections with companies through various channels. We verify each entry to ensure that contact information is valid and up-to-date.

3. In-Depth Company Information Analysis:

We offer various business details about each company, including company address, establishment date, business scope, etc., providing you with a comprehensive understanding of each company's information.

4. Reliable Support and Updates:

During your subscription, we provide free support and the fastest update speed for all users. You can stay informed about the latest import and export transaction dynamics from the past week, putting you one step ahead of other exporters.

Don't waste valuable time searching for Tea Importers! Everything you need can be found on Tendata.

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