United Arab Emirates Exports - Global Export Database | Tendata

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ten data blog18-12-2023

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The United Arab Emirates exported $311.3 billion worth of products globally in 2022. The total value of goods exported by the UAE declined by -26.8% year-on-year from $425.2 billion in 2021.

Uae's Most Valuable Trading Partner

According to the latest national customs data, exports from the UAE are mainly purchased by importers from Saudi Arabia (9.3% of the UAE's total), India (8.4%), Iraq (5%), Hong Kong (3.8%), Oman (3.5%), Kuwait (3.2%), China (3.2%), Switzerland (3.1%), the United States (2.7%), Iran (2.3%), Egypt (2.3%), and the United States (2.7%), Egypt (2.1%) and Pakistan (1.5%).

UAE's Top 10 Exports

1. Fossil fuels including oil: $213.4 billion (68.6% of total exports)

2. Gems, precious metals: $44.7 billion (14.3%)

3. Aluminum: $10.2 billion (3.3%)

4. Plastics, plastic products: $7.7 billion (2.5%)

5. Electrical machinery, equipment: $3.4 billion (1.1%)

6. Salt, sulfur, stone, cement: $3.3 billion (1.1%)

7. Iron and steel: $3.2 billion (1%)

8. Copper: $2.6 billion (0.8%)

9. Machinery including computers: $2.4 billion (0.8%)

10. Ships: $1.9 billion (0.6%)

The UAE's top 10 export product categories account for 94.1% of its total global export value.

Salt, sulfur, stone and cement are the fastest growing of the top 10 exports up 116% since 2021. The second highest growth in export sales was for ships, up 109.9%. The UAE ranked third in value growth of aluminum shipments, up 25.3 percent year-on-year.

The biggest drop in the UAE's top 10 export categories was electrical machinery and equipment, down -90%.

Drilling down to the more detailed four-digit HS codes, the UAE's six largest exports account for more than four-fifths (84.4%) of the Middle Eastern country's total international sales revenue in 2022. The top 6 exports are crude oil (43.2% of the total), processed petroleum (19.1%), gold (7.7%), liquefied petroleum gas (5.6%), unset diamonds (4.6%) and primary aluminum (2.8%).

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