What Does Taiwan Export? Look at These Taiwan Export Data

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog22-02-2024

Over the past 40 years, foreign trade has been the driving force behind Taiwan's rapid growth. Taiwan is highly open to international trade, with exports accounting for over 70% of its GDP.

In 2023, Taiwan's major export products include electronic products (41.3%, primarily semiconductors), information and communication technology products (19.3%), machinery (5.6%), optical and precision instruments, clocks, and musical instruments (3.1%). In 2023, the export value of the electronic components industry, a pillar of Taiwan's exports, was $178.71 billion, a 10.7% decrease from the previous year. Semiconductor suppliers' foreign sales decreased by 9.5% year-on-year, reaching $166.62 billion. Mechanical and electrical equipment accounted for the majority of imports (44.7%), followed by mineral products (17.6%), chemicals (8.1%), and base metals and products thereof (6.5%).

In 2023, Mainland China and Hong Kong continued to be Taiwan's largest buyers, with a procurement value of $152.25 billion, an 18.1% decrease from the previous year. According to statistics, exports to Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 35.2% of Taiwan's total exports in 2023, lower than the 38.8% in 2022, while the United States accounted for 17.6%, and Europe accounted for 9.8%.

China's total exports in 2023 amounted to $4,324.8 billion, ranking third after $4,794 billion in 2022 and $4,464 billion in 2021. The 2023 figure represents a 9.8% decrease from the previous year. The data shows that the import value in 2023 decreased by 17.8% to $3,519.2 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of $805.6 billion, a significant increase of 56.9% year-on-year. The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics predicts an 8.6% growth in Taiwan's exports in the first quarter of 2024.

For comprehensive access to Taiwan's export data in minutes, utilize Tendata's Taiwan export data query service. You can efficiently discover new buyers, suppliers, and their transaction prices, enabling you to formulate better trade strategies.

Quickly identify supply chain information for potential customers, including suppliers and buyers. You can further obtain detailed order information, including prices and specific traded products.

Through powerful visual trade data, importers and exporters can quickly grasp information about potential customers and competitors, adjust their market strategies, and reduce the risk of transaction failures.

taiwan export data,export data,taiwan exports data

What Does Taiwan's Export Data Cover?

When searching for Taiwan's export data, we provide information such as exporter details, weight, quality, price, trade frequency, the proportion of export value in Taiwan's category, and business trends. You can filter the columns you want to see using advanced filters. Use Taiwan's customs data to find export companies, discover hidden business opportunities.

Filter Taiwan's export data results through product descriptions, customs codes, country of origin, destination country, brand, exporter name, exporter code, exporter address, trading country, country of origin, manufacturing enterprise name, manifest number, net weight in kilograms, quantity, transaction mode, payer name, etc. Use the Taiwan customs data search to find and evaluate whether Taiwanese exporters are potential customers.

How Is Tendata's Taiwan Export Data?

Import and export companies need detailed customs data to analyze visual trends, identify market opportunities, track competitors, and understand supply chain potential. Tendata's trade data platform collects and packages this information as business intelligence. Obtain high-quality, professional Taiwan import data online, with industry professionals from Tendata providing 24-hour support, empowering your business with data-driven insights.

Data Sources for Tendata's Solutions:

1. Trade Data: Tendata provides over 10 billion trade data, covering 218 countries and regions, accumulating over 2 billion detailed trade transaction records. Analyze the global distribution of the target import and export countries, and fully demonstrate the market environment of target countries.

2. Business Data: Tendata provides business data covering 198 countries and business databases for over 230+ industries. With in-depth data on 210 million+ enterprises, it covers the operational status, financial information, peer competitors, executives, etc., helping evaluate the real strength of target customers and expanding potential customer groups.

3. Cloud Search Data: Tendata's cloud search data covers 172 countries, with over 700 million enterprise contact information. It includes basic information such as company name, official website link, product images, contact person, etc. In addition, it integrates information from LinkedIn, social platforms, and more, helping foreign trade enterprises comprehensively understand customers and markets. Moreover, real-time updated data allows enterprises to grasp market changes in a timely manner.

"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools." 

With good import export tools, you can make global importers and exporters twice as much with half the effort, equivalent to give yourself a pair of wings. When others are walking when you are running, others are running when you already have wings. 

Whether you are conducting market analysis or looking for new customers, you can use Tendata iTrader to help you quickly improve efficiency. In Tendata iTrader, simply search by product name or HS code, omitting the complicated search process, and then you can get the potential customers related to the search criteria. Search results include company name, executive contact numbers, email, social media and other contact information, allowing you to quickly reach out to potential customers. (>>> Click for Other Details)


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