700,000 Tons Of Grain Exported Through Ukraine's Black Sea Corridor

tendata blogTrade Trends News

ten data blog25-10-2023

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Nearly 700,000 tons of grain have been successfully transported through Ukraine's temporary corridor across the Black Sea, Minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solskyi announced at the EU Council meeting in Luxembourg. The temporary corridor was opened in August, and since then 38 ships have entered Ukrainian ports and more than 30 have left. Most of the vessels are transporting food to Europe and Africa.

"Its success is due to the support of our armed forces and the trust of our international partners. Every day the number of ships calling at the port is increasing," Solski said.

The corridor does not lead directly to the Bosphorus, as in the case of the Black Sea Food Initiative, but ships will travel along the coastlines of Ukraine and NATO member states Romania and Bulgaria for added security. Unlike the Food Initiative, which ended in July after Russia pulled out of the deal, the ships also export metal products from Ukraine. Ukraine's recent successful attack on Russia's Black Sea fleet forced the Russian navy to retreat, attracting more shipowners to the Ukrainian corridor in a desperate bid.

Nonetheless, Solski noted that most products are exported through Romania via the Danube.

Last month, 2.3 million tons of agricultural products were exported from Danube ports, 100,000 tons less than in August.

Overall, 3.6 million tons of agricultural products were exported in September, including by road and rail.Solksyi stressed the need to export at least 6 million tons per month.

The minister said, "This volume of transportation can be ensured only by restoring the full operation of the deep-water port of Great Odessa."

Solksyi noted that the number of ships leaving Ukrainian ports is increasing, and he hopes that this trend will continue. The Ukrainian Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food forecasts that Ukraine will harvest 79.1 million tons of grains and oilseeds this year and hopes to export 50 million tons in the 2023/2024 marketing season.

EU ministers pledge to support Ukraine's grain exports and food security

Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries of the EU member states confirmed their commitment to further promote Ukrainian food exports, especially grains, not only to the global market but also within the EU.

This statement was made at a press conference of the EU Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries (CMAF) in Luxembourg on October 24, 2023, chaired by the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas Puchades, who is currently President of the EU Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Minister Puchades explained, "We assessed the market situation and invited the Ukrainian Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food, Mykola Solski, to join us. We reiterate our firm support to the Ukrainian people and government as they struggle to cope with the effects of Russia's war of aggression. We stand firmly behind Ukrainian farmers so that they can continue their important food exports. This is essential to reduce global market vulnerability. Therefore, we express our political support to Ukraine and provide economic assistance to ensure food security."

Puhaides emphasized the significant efforts to increase the capacity of the "solidarity corridor" for Ukrainian food exports to global markets. Among the considerations discussed by the ministers were new methods of transporting Ukrainian food through Romania and Moldova, as well as the use of the Baltic and Adriatic seas as transit routes.

Responding to questions from the media, Luis Planas Puchades stressed that global developments, including crises such as the one in the Middle East, do not diminish the importance of cooperation between the European Union, Ukraine and its neighbors in organizing the export of food products.

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