Thailand's Mango Export Boom - Thailand Export Data | Tendata

tendata blogTrade Trends News

ten data blog17-05-2024

In the first quarter of this year, Thailand's mango exports jumped 130 percent to an impressive 1.6 billion baht compared to the same period last year. Not to be outdone, sticky rice exports jumped 13 percent, totaling about 1 billion baht.

Chotima Iemsawasdikul, director-general of the Trade Negotiations Department, attributed the surge to the growing global popularity of Thai mango sticky rice. Recently ranked as the second best rice pudding in the world by TasteAtlas, the beloved dessert has captivated taste buds around the world, opening up new opportunities for Thai exporters.

Thailand is proud to be the world's fifth largest exporter of mangoes and second largest exporter of sticky rice. Among the nine ASEAN countries, only Laos and Cambodia impose a 5% import tax on Thai mangoes. In contrast, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, India, Chile and Peru welcome Thai mangoes duty-free, while South Korea levies a 24 percent tax.

As for sticky rice, this is a good deal for many countries: Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei and Chile do not impose import duties. Meanwhile, China has reduced its import duty to 50%, Indonesia to 30% and Malaysia to 32%. Frozen ready-to-eat mango sticky rice is now shipped to 16 countries, all of which enjoy zero import duties, further fueling the export boom.

Do You Want to Know More About Thailand Export Data About Mango and Sticky Rice?

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