With an Annual Turnover of 3 Million, How Does This Sister Ride the Wave?

export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radarCases

export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radar02-06-2023

China's foreign trade enterprises have experienced SARS, financial crisis, trade war, and the new crown epidemic. However, every economic shock and fluctuation is a reshuffle of the market and a test of the competitive ability of enterprises. Shanghai Hanjun Apparel Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Hanjun Apparel) has seized the digital windfall, through the Tendata Foreign Trade Pass active development system 1 year time order amount totaling nearly 3 million RMB. Let's take a look at how this company did it?

Hanjun Apparel mainly produces and sells products: belts, leather tabs, leather labels, leather pull tabs and other leather products, in the market after years of refinement, the company's performance development is stable, the main market is the European and American markets.

Celine, the foreign trade manager of the company, visited a friend's company once and learned that they were using Tendata's software and found that it could not only dig deeper into the existing customers, but also check the customs data to find the big customers in their own industry. So she applied for cooperation with Tendata at first, and was able to use Tendata's foreign trade software for active marketing.

Previously, she mainly used LinkedIn, Facebook, Google and other social software and directory websites to find customers. However, as the scale of the company expanded, the customer resources brought by the traditional model could no longer meet the needs of the company, and at the same time, with the fierce competition in the foreign trade market, the price war seriously affected customer development, making the company to reconsider new ways of market expansion and digital transformation.

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In May 2019, Hanjun Apparel and Tendata officially signed a contract, which means that the company took the first step of big data active marketing!

As a foreign trade practitioner, the real stage of "receiving orders to the hand" is to start thinking about how to solve the repetitive, professional and high time cost work with specialized tools, and then devote time to customer negotiations. As an all-round foreign trade people how less a variety of sharp tools?

A person's energy and expertise is limited, but with the support of tools, you can take one for ten, as the saying goes, if you want to be good at what you do, you must first make use of the tools.

Celine said, after using Tendata, they found that it was very useful for their staff, and their work efficiency was greatly improved, and the effect of developing customers was also very significant, they liked two ways of using Tendata products most: one was to check customs data, and the other was to use our products to search customers' websites and emails.

In this case, they also dug deeper into their old customers and improved their sales performance. For their company, as long as it is easy for the company staff to use and can improve their work efficiency, she thinks all the expenses are worth it!

In the deep pool of foreign trade, large foreign trade enterprises grasp the big resources, exposure, orders never worry; small foreign trade enterprises involved in the world, everywhere by chance; medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, invested considerable human, financial and material resources, a desperate bet, the tiger's mouth to grab food. Foreign trade market is changing rapidly, enterprises must have a keen sense of the market and follow the trend of action, this time the foreign trade data is particularly important.

Hanjun clothing is a typical example. Compared with the traditional offline marketing model, today's digital marketing methods are richer and more diverse. Through the digital trade platform is enough to precipitate a large amount of customer data, transaction data, with these data can guide Hanjun apparel to accurate marketing customer acquisition, but also the brand and goods in a personalized style to any user around the world, to improve the success rate of the order.

Digital marketing usually includes big data precision marketing, social software marketing and other ways, among which big data precision marketing is the most effective. Export enterprises do not need to fight ranking, advertising, price, through the product keywords or HS code directly to find accurate buyers in various countries, become more and more small and medium-sized enterprises of the new choice.

Therefore, even digital foreign trade entry enterprises, through the big data platform active marketing, not only has the opportunity to transform into a small but beautiful foreign trade enterprises, but also has the opportunity to successfully break the circle and grow into a big player in the foreign trade industry.

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Shanghai Tendata Information Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in the Lujiazui Financial District and has been deeply involved in the import and export big data services industry for 17 years. Tendata Shanghai is a comprehensive information service provider that is rooted in the field of international trade, utilizing big data and artificial intelligence as its foundation. We specialize in data collection, mining, application, and services in the international trade sector. Additionally, we offer extended services such as industry consultation and trade facilitation.(>>>Click to Inquire about Tendata Products<<<)

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Since its establishment in 2005, Shanghai Tendata has grown to have a workforce of over 500 dedicated professionals. We have provided effective market expansion and marketing solutions, as well as customer management services, to more than 40,000 domestic and international import-export enterprises. Rest assured when using Tendata data as we have an experienced product development team and a dedicated after-sales support department. (>>>Click to Inquire about Tendata Products<<<)

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