How Did He Make 55 Million Us Dollars a Year with a Small Company?

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export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radar22-05-2024

Let's take a look at how this small-scale company in the UAE achieved $55 million in a year. For this, we specifically interviewed the company's Topsales & Business Manager, Manish.

1. Every Industry and Company Has Its Own Pain Points

JAS GLOBAL INDUSTRIES (hereinafter referred to as "JAS") is a company deeply rooted in the polyurethane manufacturing and supply sector in the UAE. Over the years, JAS has earned widespread acclaim in the industry due to its excellent product quality, continuous innovation, and steadfast commitment to sustainability. However, with the increasing market competition, this traditional small enterprise also faces unprecedented challenges.

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In the interview, JAS’s Business Manager Manish shared his concerns: “Although our business scale is steadily growing, the decline in profit margins troubles us. Compared to the high-profit era of the past seven to eight years, the current profit margins have significantly compressed. For example, in the fertilizer industry, our clients have increased their capacity from 600 tons per day to 700 tons per day—a seemingly significant 13% growth, yet it hasn’t translated into corresponding profit growth.”

Moreover, JAS faces challenges brought by the sharp fluctuations in raw material prices. Specifically, the price volatility of key raw materials such as phosphates affects not only the stability of the fertilizer industry but could also lead to imbalances in the entire supply chain. When prices surge, JAS has to bear higher production costs; when prices plummet, they might face overproduction and inventory buildup risks.

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Another headache for the company is the industry’s instability. Manish mentioned: “In the ceramics industry, we often encounter a sudden surge in demand followed by a rapid decline. This market demand instability brings great uncertainty to our production and sales planning. We constantly need to adjust strategies to cope with these unpredictable changes.”

2. Expanding the Customer Base Is the Foundation for Sustainable Development

JAS fully recognizes that expanding the customer base is the foundation for sustainable development in a fiercely competitive market environment. Previously, the company’s business mainly relied on a few major clients. However, to achieve more stable and diversified development, JAS began actively seeking new customer groups, especially potential new clients.

For example, after successfully consolidating its position in the Middle East market, JAS turned its attention to the Southeast Asian market. They leveraged the Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform to precisely analyze product and market trends, seeking new growth opportunities.

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In the formulation of annual business plans, JAS not only set clear and specific sales targets, such as achieving certain market shares and sales volumes but also translated these targets into practical actions. The company increased investment in marketing strategies, customer expansion, and supplier collaboration.

Manish stated, “We mainly utilize a comprehensive mix of online and offline resources like Google and trade shows, combined with the powerful analytical capabilities of the Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform. Through in-depth data mining and analysis, we quickly identified and acquired accurate potential customer lists.”

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They encourage team members to get out of the office more and meet customers in person, especially in regions with existing customer bases like Turkey, Russia, and Brazil, to deepen cooperation and further expand market share.

In terms of product strategy, JAS always puts customer needs first. They understand that only by deeply understanding customer needs and expectations can they provide products and services that truly meet those needs. Therefore, JAS established close cooperation with quality suppliers to ensure the stability and quality of product supply.

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Screenshots from Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform

Additionally, using the monitoring function of the Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform's T-Insight, JAS can track new customers’ purchasing behaviors and preferences in real-time. Through in-depth analysis and research, they tailor products and solutions that better meet customer needs. This customer-centric service model has won wide acclaim and trust from customers and brought continuous business growth to JAS.

3. Turning Potential Customers into Paying Customers Is Crucial

Converting potential customers into paying customers is not achieved overnight; it requires a series of thoughtful and meticulously planned actions.

First, defining the characteristics and positioning of the product, as well as the ultimate user group, is the first step to success. Take sodium bisulfite as an example; it has extensive applications in the water treatment sector and serves the aluminum industry and various smelting industries, highlighting its diverse value. Therefore, understanding the product’s greatest uses is key to opening the market door.

Next, identifying the decision-maker is crucial. Decision-makers often have the final say in procurement. They usually conduct in-depth research through multiple channels, such as using the Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform, Google searches, social media, and corporate business registrations, to accurately identify the target decision-maker. Although this process requires patience and detail, the rewards are substantial.

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The Screenshot from Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform

“Once we have identified the decision-maker, we start showcasing our advantages. Through professional presentations and demonstrations, we highlight our services, pricing, and product authenticity and reliability to build the company's credibility and reputation. During this process, we not only establish an initial trust relationship with the customer but also deeply understand the customer’s real needs to tailor solutions that offer better value than competitors,” said Manish.

4. The Core Driver of Sales Growth Lies in Pricing Strategy

Although JAS is a small-scale company, its performance is not inferior. Last year, they successfully achieved approximately $55 million in revenue, proving their strong business capability and market competitiveness.

Manish, JAS’s Business Manager, clearly pointed out: “In the current fiercely competitive market, the core driver of sales growth is the pricing strategy.”

Therefore, JAS fully utilizes the powerful Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform to precisely capture and analyze market price fluctuations and deeply explore competitors’ pricing strategies and logic.

Through data analysis and market research, JAS ensures that every pricing decision precisely matches market demand. This not only meets customer expectations but also establishes a unique competitive advantage in the market. This forward-looking pricing strategy enables JAS to stand out in a highly competitive market environment, laying a solid foundation for the company’s sustainable and stable development.

5. The Platform Itself Is Not the Ultimate Goal; The Key Is to Use It Effectively

From the case of JAS, the platform itself is not the ultimate goal; the key is to use it effectively. Skillfully combining different platforms allows each to play its unique advantages.

Amid the global digital transformation wave, we hope that every enterprise can learn from JAS’s strategy, integrating the Tendata iTrader SaaS Platform with other platforms to achieve optimal resource allocation. This comprehensive, efficient, and precise support for foreign trade business helps enterprises gain an advantageous position in fierce market competition.

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